“ZOOM into Science” Online Lectures by the Faculty of Science, CUHK
2021年4月21日 - 2021年5月7日
Every Wed and Fri
A group of Science faculty members will be hosting a series of lectures on a wide range of science related topics to discover the exciting world.
Professor Tony SIT(Department of Statistics)
Professor Francis TAM (Earth System Science Programme)
Dr. LIN Lap Ming (Department of Physics)
Professor LI Hung Wing (Department of Chemistry)
Dr. CHAN Kai Leung (Department of Mathematics)
Professor Apple CHUI (School of Life Sciences)
Online registration:
Science Faculty Office
Science is everywhere! The Faculty of Science of CUHK invites you to “ZOOM into Science” with us in April and May 2021 to discover more about the exciting world of science. From 21 Apr to 7 May 2021, every Wed and Fri, 4:30pm – 5:30pm. Lectures will be conducted in Cantonese.
The 45-minute online talks will be broadcasted online via Zoom Webinar. The tailor-made talks will be followed by Q&A and brief admission information sessions. Students, teachers, and parents are welcome to join.