Policy Forum on Building a Sustainable Healthcare System for Hong Kong
2023年7月28日 - 2023年7月29日
Cho Yiu Conference Hall, CUHK
Registration Deadline (UTC+8, HK Time):27 July 2023 (Thursday), 00:00
Tel: (852) 3943 3471
Email: policyresearch@cuhk.edu.hk
Facing different public health issues such as ageing population and varying disease patterns, constructing a sustainable healthcare system for Hong Kong is of paramount importance. To connect the policy impact of our colleagues’ innovative research in Hong Kong’s healthcare systems, we are organizing a two-day policy forum to share the relevant results with policy stakeholders.
Welcoming Address
– Prof. Rocky S. C. Tuan (Vice Chancellor & President, CUHK)
Opening Address
– Dr Libby H. Y. Lee (Undersecretary for Health, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)
Keynote Speeches
- Dr Hon David T. Y. Lam (Member, Legislative Council, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)
- Prof. Michael Kidd (Professor of Global Primary Care and Future Health Systems, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences 【NDPCHS】, University of Oxford, United Kingdom; Director, Centre for Future Health Systems, University of New South Wales, Australia)
- Prof. Eleanor Holroyd (Associate Dean 【International, and Engagement】, Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand)
Panel Sessions
- Prof. Albert Lee (Emeritus Professor, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, CUHK)
- Dr Thomas Tsang (Former President, Hong Kong College of Community Medicine)
- Prof. Sally Chan (President, Tung Wah College)
- Prof. Peter P. Yuen (Dean, College of Professional and Continuing Education, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Language: English
Webinar programme: please click here
The webinar will be conducted via ZOOM. The meeting ID will be sent to registrants by email.