
CUHK LAW GBA Forum 2023 Online Seminar – ‘Attributing Criminal Liability in the Murky Waters of Self-driving Cars in GBA’




12:45 pm – 1:45 pm


Online via ZOOM


Prof. Michelle Miao, Associate Professor, CUHK LAW


Professor Miao is an Associate Professor of law from the Faculty of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong. She holds a DPhil degree in law from the University of Oxford and two LLM degrees from New York University and Renmin University of China respectively. She previously conducted research in the capacity of New York University’s Global Fellow (2014-5) , University of Oxford’s Howard League Fellow (2013-4) and British Academy’s prestigious Postdoc Research Fellow (2015-6), National University of Singapore’s ASLI visiting scholar (2019) and recently Harvard Yenching Scholar (2019-20).


How is criminal liability attributed when severe injuries and deaths occur in the context of “self-driving”? This seminar addresses thorny legal and ethical issues stemming from approportionating liability between humans and machines in the grey zone of partially autonomous vehicles. With a special attention to the GBA area, it examines the status quo of liability distribution from a comparative perspective and reveals challenges posed to the existing Chinese legal framework(s) when accountability issues arise from a shared mode of driving controlled by human actors and AI algorithms.

CUHK LAW GBA Forum 2023 Online Seminar – ‘Attributing Criminal Liability in the Murky Waters of Self-driving Cars in GBA’ – The Chinese University of Hong Kong


CPD credits are available upon application and subject to accreditation by the Law Society of Hong Kong (currently pending).