香港中文大學商學院 —— 商業領袖系列講座:蒲祿祺先生探索創新與科技的成果
晚上6:00–7:15 (活動結束後敬備簡單茶點)
蒲祿祺先生, 銀紫荊星章,太平紳士(Professional Property Services Limited主席兼香港科技園公司上任主席)
Mr. Nicholas Brooke is the Chairman of Professional Property Services Limited which is a specialist real estate consultancy, based in Hong Kong, providing a selected range of advisory services across the Asia Pacific Region and he is a recognised authority on land administration and planning matters. He has always had a particular interest in the built environment and how to address the needs of differing sectors of the community.
Mr. Brooke is the Immediate Past Chairman of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation and was involved with the development of all three phases of the Park. On the 30 June 2012 he was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star (SBS) in recognition of his distinguished public and community service, particularly his significant contribution in promoting innovation and technology development in Hong Kong.
Mr. Brooke is the current Chairman of the Hong Kong Harbourfront Commission, the role of which is to co-ordinate the planning, design, implementation and management of the various initiatives around Victoria Harbour. He is also a member of the Commission on Strategic Development and is the ABAC Principal Advisor to the APEC Policy Partnership on Science, Technology and Innovation.
Mr. Brooke is a past global President of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and a founding member of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors and served on both the Hong Kong Housing Authority and the Hong Kong Town Planning Board for over ten years. He has just stepped down as a Trustee of the International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC) which is responsible for the setting and policing of valuation practices and standards worldwide. He is an Honorary Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects and an Advisor to the Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design.
程小姐 (電話:+852 3943 4718; maggieching@baf.cuhk.edu.hk)
Mr. Nicholas Brooke will discuss the need to address quality of life in Hong Kong and the part that Innovation and Technology could play across a whole spectrum of solutions that would underpin day-to-day living in Hong Kong. A holistic solution would embrace smart, green, sustainable, resilient, as well as practical issues such as air quality, energy efficiency, waste management, land use planning and allocation, urban mobility, water quality and sufficiency and adequate open space. Mr. Brooke will also review the part that Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, of which he is the immediate Past Chairman, and other institutions can play in providing an appropriate eco-system to support the development of the relevant technologies as well as his wider aspiration that Hong Kong itself should become a living laboratory and example to the region.