4th webinar of the Computational Social Science Laboratory (CSSL@CUHK): “Space, Time, and Human Dynamics in GIScience”
09:00 – 10:30 (UTC+8, HKT)
Prof. Shih-Lung Shaw
Chancellor’s Professor & Alvin and Sally Beaman Professor
Department of Geography, University of Tennessee
For enquiries, please contact Faculty of Social Science at fssc06@cuhk.edu.hk.
Large amounts of data are now being produced, collected, and analysed at unprecedented speed, breadth, depth, and scale. Focusing on the development and application of computational methods for complex and large-scale human behavior and behavioral change, Computational Social Science addresses fundamental questions about individuals and collectives, and major social problems. With the aim to promote interdisciplinary collaborations in addressing substantive social science questions, the CSSL@CUHK was formed in April 2021.
CSS PhD Fellowship Scheme@CUHK
Each Computational Social Science PhD Fellow is affiliated with a department/school/programme within the Faculty of Social Science. The scheme aims to bring together young talents from different disciplines who aspire to employ solution-based CSS approaches to address important and complex problems.