
Going Virtual: Lessons from Universities of the Asia Pacific on Online Teaching and Learning




9:00 am




Moderator: Prof. Alan ChanProvost, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)Speakers: Prof. Rosa DévesVice President for Academic Affairs, University of ChileProf. Marco MolinaroAssistant Vice Provost for Educational Effectiveness, UC DavisMr. Wang ShuaiguoCOO, XuetangX (in association with Tsinghua University)


The spread of the coronavirus has forced universities to take quick action, moving classes to online platforms, providing virtual psychological and career counseling services, and cultivating research collaborations where the partners never meet. CUHK is among the first universities worldwide to have launched a full-scale synchronous online teaching in mid-February and have a wealth of experience to share with educators worldwide.

In a forthcoming webinar ‘Going Virtual: Lessons from Universities of the Asia Pacific on Online Teaching and Learning’ organized by the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) on 29/30 June 2020, Prof. Alan K.L. Chan, Provost of CUHK, will lead a discussion with speakers from XuetangX, University of Chile, and University of California, Davis on the challenges and opportunities of online platforms, whether distance learning will become the new norm, and how this may change university offerings for the long term, among other crucial issues. 

The webinar is open to the public and will be recorded for those who cannot attend live. [Details & Registration]