School of Pharmacy 25th Anniversary & CUHK Medicine 35th Anniversary – Distinguished Lecture Series
2017年4月19日 - 2017年4月21日
Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building, Area 39, CUHK
Prof. William CHARMAN
Prof. Charman is Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Director, Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Science (MIPS) at Monash University; and Chair of the FIP (International Pharmaceutical Federation) Education program. He received his B Pharm from the Victorian College of Pharmacy in 1981, his PhD in pharmaceutical chemistry from the University of Kansas in 1985, and a DSc (honoris causa) from the University of London in 2011. He was appointed as the eighth Sir John Monash Distinguished Professor in 2011. His research has been characterised by a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach to address major issues in drug discovery, drug delivery and the pharmaceutical sciences. He has published more than 350 scientific papers and communications and given over 170 invited national and international presentations. He has received numerous national and international awards, and in 2015, he was one of six researchers at MIPS recognised by Thomson Reuters as a HiCi researcher in the field of Pharmacology and Toxicology for the 2003-2013 period.
Tel.: 3943 1062
Email: sop.med@pharmacy.cuhk.edu.hk
Topic: General Topic – “Entrepreneurship: An Essential 21st Century Skill for Pharmacists”
Date: 19 April, 2017 (Wednesday) 16:30-17:30
Venue: G02, LKSIBSB, Area 39, CUHK
Topic: Scientific Topic – “Academic-Industry Partnerships: Learnings | Models | The Future”
Date: 21 April, 2017 (Friday) 11:00-12:00
Venue: G01, LKSIBSB, Area 39, CUHK