Dr. CHAN Tin Cheung 陳天祥博士Former Chair, CCF Committee and retired Professor, Department of Psychology, CUHK
Dr. Chan is an evangelist turned psychologist hoping to understand Christian spirituality with the addition of psychological knowledge. His major academic study in psychology was perception. He was an associate professor at the Department of Psychology in CU before retirement. To gear towards the study of the psychology of faith, when he was teaching perception in CU, he developed a course on states of consciousness and has taught it for 5 years. In order to get himself acquainted with hypnosis, he has received all levels of training in hypnotherapy in The Milton H. Erickson Foundation. In this talk, there are three questions for you to contemplate:
1. Is hypnosis a faith phenomenon with supernatural performance?
2. What could be revealed in human nature if thinking could cause physical events as shown in hypnosis? (催眠顯明觀念主導因果, 對人的本質有何啟示呢?)
3. How to apply the self transforming thinking power in hypnosis in Christian faith?
現金$30 (2012年1月6日中午前報名)
3943 6982 林女士 或 電郵致 chaplaincy@cuhk.edu.hk