
CUHK-SMU Global Forum - A Whole New World with Computational Social Science (CSS): Transdisciplinary Insights




08:45 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


Hybrid Mode
(1) In-person at Lecture Theatre 3, Yasumoto International Academic Park (YIA), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
(2) Online via ZOOM


https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=13667444 (Early Bird Registration Deadline: 9 June 2023)


Click here for detailed programme rundown.


Digital technologies are rapidly transforming our society. Generation Alpha (aka Generation AI) will succeed their Generation Y parents (the digital natives) and Generation Z elder siblings (the zoomers). We have entered a whole new world.

“Evidence-based” data science promises that decisions will be based on nuanced, accurate and dynamic data-driven insights. Digital transformation promises to increase efficiency and productivity and inspire products and services for the design of sustainable and livable cities. The trillion-dollar question is: how?

Meanwhile, new challenges arise. Garbage-in-garbage-out: how can citizens protect themselves and be protected from ill-founded insights derived from flawed algorithms and invalid data? Will generative AI and androids replace human jobs? What are human-only abilities and how can we optimise human-AI partnership in work and life? In a world where humans and AI co-create and share knowledge, how shall we redefine ownership of intellectual properties and realign our laws, norms, policies and practices with the new definition? How can citizens’ personal data be protected from unwanted access, misuse and abuse?

In this Global Forum co-organised by CUHK and SMU computer scientists, social scientists and practitioners from Hong Kong, Singapore and Korea will meet to share what they know and what have been done in defining societal issues and addressing related challenges in the emerging field of Computational Social Science.


Language: English