
Survey on the Effectiveness of Independent Learning


Survey on the Effectiveness of Independent Learning


2022年10月7日 - 2022年10月31日




The Independent Learning Centre is happy to invite you to complete a survey about your views and experience in independent learning in the CUHK. It will only take you approximately 5 minutes. Your opinion is important in helping us understand more about what CUHK students think and will inform how we plan our support to address your needs in future.

By completing the survey and providing us with your contact means before 31 Oct 2022, you stand a chance of winning one of the two Apple iPads (9th generation)! Winners will be notified individually after 7 November. For enquiries, please contact us at ilc-counsel@cuhk.edu.hk.

Please be assured all collected information will be treated with strict confidentiality. All personal identifiers will be removed in our dissemination of the survey results.


Lucky Draw: 7 November 2022