中华货殖论坛2013-14China’s Cantonese Diaspora and the Emergence of Modern Philanthropy in China
费约翰教授Swinburne 大学亚太社会投资及慈善中心主任
费约翰曾先后任澳洲国立大学亚太研究卓越国际中心主任、La Trobe大学社会科学院院长、福特基金会在北京的中国代表五年。他自2013年起出任Swinburne 大学亚太社会投资及慈善中心的主任。 费教授于坎培拉曾出任澳洲外交事务及贸易部的澳洲-中国议会教育委员会及澳洲研究议会的国家及国际合作委员会的主席。也曾担任澳洲人文研究所的国际秘书。 费教授的着作有Big White Lie: Chinese Australians in White Australia (UNSW 2007)曾问鼎 Prime Minister’s History Prize(2008),并获澳洲历史学协会 Ernest Scott Prize。他的着作也曾获得国际荣誉,如美国亚洲研究协会的中国奖及 Joseph Levenson Prize。费教授是Sydney University的本科毕业生及澳洲国立大学博士,并曾获 Fulbright 博士后奖学金到威斯康新大学从事博士后研究 。
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With the exception of certain notable Southeast Asian magnates, chiefly from Fujian, surprisingly little is known about the role of Chinese diaspora communities in the development of charity and philanthropy in late Qing and Republican China. This presentation sheds light on a significant part of the diaspora legacy: the role of Cantonese communities around the Pacific Rim in mediating the emergence of modern philanthropy alongside customary forms of charity in China and Hong Kong and among Chinese communities abroad over the first half of the 20th century. The talk explores the emergence in the early 20th century of new styles of philanthropic practice alongside earlier forms of charity among Chinese communities of the Pacific, paying particular attention to the connections tying diaspora communities in Australia and Oceania with partners in Hong Kong and Shanghai whose stories have rarely been told.