ORKTS Webinar Series | Social Innovation – A Practice to Create Positive Change
11:00am – 12:00pm
Zoom Webinar
Mr. Mark Cheng
Senior Advisor for Europe and Asia, Ashoka
Mark is a member of the Leadership Group at Ashoka, the world’s leading organisation supporting the development of social entrepreneurship and innovation. After moving from London to Hong Kong, he started the Hong Kong Chapter for Ashoka in 2017. Mark is also the founder of Social Innovation Circle, coaching social entrepreneurs and impact investors to build and fund sustainable business models for systems change.
InnoPort, ORKTS | innoport@cuhk.edu.hk
In this introductory talk, the concepts of social innovation and social entrepreneurship would be explored, illustrated with a few examples of impactful social innovation. The audience would be guided to reflect on the possibility of translating their research into tangible impacts in society and create positive change.