莫庆尧学术讲座 王德威教授主讲
现任美国哈佛大学Edward C. Henderson中国文学暨比较文学讲座教授,以及美洲地区蒋经国基金会校际汉学研究中心主任,中央研究院院士。王教授专研现代及当代中国文学、晚清小说及戏剧和比较文学理论。
电话: 39437107
网址: http://www.arts.cuhk.edu.hk
This lecture starts with the familiar question “What is modern Chinese literary history?”, and seeks to answer it in terms of the concept of “worlding” literary China. With the Harvard New Literary History of Modern China as a case-in-point, it offers a polemical model of writing and reading literary history, and tests its feasibility by examining the role Hong Kong plays in the project.
The Mok Hing Yiu Lecture was made possible with the generous donation from the Mok family in memory of the late Dr Mok Hing Yiu. On an annual basis, one widely acclaimed scholar will be invited to Hong Kong and will participate in teaching and scholastic exchange to advance teaching, research and academic development of CUHK.