
Communication Seminar Series – Rethinking ‘Global’ Communication for A Multi-polar World by Prof. Daya Thussu


Communication Seminar Series - Rethinking ‘Global’ Communication for A Multi-polar World by Prof. Daya Thussu








Daya Thussu, Professor of International Communication, Co-Director of India Media Centre, University of Westminster, London


manlokchan@cuhk.edu.hk / Tel: 39437701 (Miss Mandy Chan)


In the era of digitized and globalized 24/7 media, the one-way vertical flow of media and communication from the West to the Rest has given way to multiple and horizontal flows, in which Asian countries play an increasingly significant role. While the US domination of the global media – both in entertainment and information – remains a reality, new actors, harnessing the potential of digital globalization, have emerged in the past decade to challenge Western or, more accurately, American hegemony in this arena. This warrants a re-evaluation of how we define the global in terms of media and communication. Focusing on the growing global influence and digital presence of China and India – the world’s two most populous nations – with long histories and new geopolitical global ambitions – and with fastest growing economies – this presentation suggests that the ascent of Asia contributes to further internationalizing of media and its study.

Daya Thussu is the Founder and Managing Editor of the Sage journal Global Media and Communication and Editor-in-Chief of a new Sage journal Global Media and China. His co-edited new book China’s Media Go Global (the first book on globalization of China’s media) is out now.