



Professor Gabriel Lau, Co-Director of ENSURE and the Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability (IEES) at CUHK, gives the opening address at the workshop.

Professor Gavin Shaddick, Co-Director of ENSURE and the Chair of Data Science and Statistics and Head of the Department of Mathematics at UoE, announces an investment from UK Research and Innovation for establishing the Centre for Doctoral Training in Environmental Intelligence.

A group photo of the participants after the welcoming ceremony.

香港中文大学(中大)- 埃克塞特大学环境持续与应变联合研究中心(联合研究中心,ENSURE)于2月25日至26日在中大举办国际研讨会,由两位联合研究中心所长 — 中大环境、能源及可持续发展研究所联席所长刘雅章教授和埃克塞特大学数据科学及统计学首席教授兼数学系主管Gavin Shaddick教授主持,探讨一系列有关环境持续与人类健康的逼切议题。研讨会吸引了近50名来自两所大学及昆士兰大学的跨学科研究人员参与,就联合研究中心目前的合作项目交流意见,并讨论日后共同进行研究和资助项目的机会,包括透过最近获英国研究与创新部资助、由Gavin Shaddick教授领导的埃克塞特大学环境智能博士培训中心:可持续未来的数据科学和人工智能,进行研究生交流和培训。 



Gavin Shaddick教授补充:「环境智能是利用人工智能从众多环境数据中,取得数据背后反映的现象,协助研究人员从中了解复杂的环境问题并提供解决方案。两校将透过联合研究中心,共同培养下一代顶级科研人才。」 

香港中文大学- 埃克塞特大学环境持续与应变联合研究中心

香港中文大学(中大)- 埃克塞特大学环境持续与应变联合研究中心(联合研究中心,ENSURE)于2018年成立,旨在促进具影响力的跨学科研究合作,提供一个促进国际学术交流及拓展相关政策的平台,并培育新一代的年青研究员,以应对关于环境变化和人类健康与福祉的议题,解决可持续发展面临的挑战。中大和埃克塞特大学皆具备雄厚科研实力,两校近年致力进行与环境和健康相关的研究项目,透过建立长期合作伙伴关系,进一步巩固其研究影响力和国际知名度,并彰显了两校推动跨学科研究及造福全球社群的共同愿景。在中大,联合研究中心设于环境、能源及可持续发展研究所(www.cuhk.edu.hk/iees)。

Professor Gabriel Lau, Co-Director of ENSURE and the Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability (IEES) at CUHK, gives the opening address at the workshop.

Professor Gabriel Lau, Co-Director of ENSURE and the Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability (IEES) at CUHK, gives the opening address at the workshop.


Professor Gavin Shaddick, Co-Director of ENSURE and the Chair of Data Science and Statistics and Head of the Department of Mathematics at UoE, announces an investment from UK Research and Innovation for establishing the Centre for Doctoral Training in Environmental Intelligence.

Professor Gavin Shaddick, Co-Director of ENSURE and the Chair of Data Science and Statistics and Head of the Department of Mathematics at UoE, announces an investment from UK Research and Innovation for establishing the Centre for Doctoral Training in Environmental Intelligence.


A group photo of the participants after the welcoming ceremony.

A group photo of the participants after the welcoming ceremony.

