Howard began his entrepreneurial journey in 2004. He is a Director of Annalee Dolls, which specializes in making festival dolls for US market. He is also the founder of Harvester, Happy Veggies, Bijas, and Ateen, which are the pioneers in developing the strengths of the hearing impaired in vegetarian business. He and his MBA alumni invested in a technology company called AGITO, which hires youth-with-dreams to develop innovative applications for enterprises, and GIMME Taxi recently won the first runner up in a million dollar competition in Hong Kong. He serves as a Chief Consultant for the HKCSS – HSBC Social Enterprise Business Centre, and his mission is to help both commercial and social enterprises to discover the advantages of the disadvantaged. Howard Ling holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Illinois, a Master degree in Business Administration from the The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and graduated from INSEAD Social Entrepreneurship programme.
如有问题,致电林小姐 3943-9522
Public speaking by Mr. Howard Ling
Q&A Session