
CUHK Arts "Knowledge Base Technologies & Semantic Data Modelling in Cultural Heritage Collections " by Prof. Andreas Vlachidis


2024年5月8日 - 2024年5月9日




Digital Scholarship Lab, University Library


Prof. Andreas Vlachidis


Dr. Andreas Vlachidis
Associate Professor, Department of Information Studies, University College London
– Co-Investigator and Technical Lead of the Sloane Lab
– PI of the research projects “MeDoraH: Mixed-methods Digital Oral History” and “Text Analytics for inclusive AI education platforms”
– Main research interests: Information Extraction, Semantic Data Modelling and Metadata.


#1 Seminar | 8 May 2024 (Wed)
“Semantic Data Modelling Experiences and Advances in Cultural Heritage Collections: A Decade and a Half of Using and Extending CIDOC-CRM”

Time: 3:00-4:30pm
Venue: Digital Scholarship Lab, University Library
Speaker: Prof. Andreas Vlachidis

This seminar will provide a comprehensive exploration of the advancements and applications of the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CIDOC-CRM) across various digital humanities projects over the past fifteen years. The focus of the presentation will be on illustrating the extended capabilities of CIDOC-CRM, especially through adaptations and extensions and their significant impact on digital humanities and cultural heritage collections.


#2 Workshop | 9 May 2024 (Thu)
“Knowledge base technologies and semantics for interrogating complex data environments: A case study of the Sloane Lab’s Cultural Heritage Collection ”

Time: 3:00-4:30pm
Venue: Digital Scholarship Lab, University Library
Speaker: Prof. Andreas Vlachidis

The workshop will introduce:
– the application of Knowledge Base Technologies and Semantic Web tools
– utilization of SPARQL, the Resource Description Framework (RDF) query language
– the role of semantic enrichment via external resources such as Wikidata
– domain-specific vocabularies and authority files like VIAF
– opportunities for creating synthesized views and visualizations
– detailed case study of the Sloane Lab’s Cultural Heritage Collection