News Centre

1 Feb 2024

The CUHK Council has nominated three members to participate in the Search Committee for the Appointment of the Vice-Chancellor and President

1 Feb 2024

The Council of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has nominated three council members, Mr Eric Chan Cho-biu, Ms Sonia Cheng Chi-man and Mr Albert Wong Hak-keung to participate in the Search Committee for the Appointment of the University’s Vice-Chancellor and President (the Committee) at today’s (1 February) Council meeting. The Senate will hold an extraordinary meeting tomorrow (2 February) to discuss the nomination arrangements and procedures for the three Senate members who will serve on the Committee. The full list of members is expected to be announced at the end of this month.

The Committee will commence the process of conducting a global search for CUHK’s next Vice-Chancellor and President immediately after it is established. It will extensively gather the views of the University community regarding the search and appoint a search consultant firm to start searching globally.

When selecting the next Vice-Chancellor and President, the Committee will take account of selection criteria, qualifications and personal qualities for which University members have expressed a view. It will carefully and thoroughly consider all applications, nominations and those sourced by the search consultant firm, and will meet the shortlisted candidates. The Committee will advise the Council on the appointment of the next Vice-Chancellor and President, and it is anticipated that the Council will complete the appointment before the end of this year.

As prescribed by Statute 6.1 of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance (Cap. 1109 of the Laws of Hong Kong), the Committee will comprise seven members, including the Chairman of the Council (Chairman), three members nominated by the Council from among its number and three members nominated by the Senate from among its number.

[Updated version on 2 February]