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The Chinese University of Hong Kong Twentieth Honorary Fellowship Presentation Ceremony
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) held its Twentieth Honorary Fellowship Presentation Ceremony today (16 May) on campus. Five distinguished people, listed below in alphabetical order, were appointed honorary fellows in recognition of their exceptional achievements within their professions and their outstanding contributions to the University and the community. The ceremony was also broadcast live on campus.
Professor CHENG Chuen-hon Arthur, a leading exploration geophysicist, has developed neural network models that are trained on synthetic data but learn to extract signals from large, natural datasets with great sensitivity and specificity, to build better models of shale anisotropy. The technology is in much demand, from charting aquifers and underground oil or gas reservoirs to planning tunnels for high-speed trains. After completing his secondary education in 1969, Professor Cheng obtained a BSc in Engineering Physics at Cornell University, followed by a Doctor of Science in Geophysics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he subsequently became a Principal Research Scientist in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, and headed a research consortium until 1996. Professor Cheng then moved into the commercial world, where he spent almost 20 years working with different companies in a variety of roles before returning to academic life with an appointment at the National University of Singapore, then an adjunct professorship at CUHK’s Earth System Science Programme. Professor Cheng has contributed more than 100 technical papers and co-authored two books, and has been named as an inventor on 29 patents. In recognition of his advancements in his profession, and his work with and support for students, Professor Cheng was awarded a Life Membership in 2013 and an Honorary Membership Award in 2021 from the Society of Exploration Geophysicists.
Mr. LAM Wai-hung Enders, co-founder of Time Industrial Manufactory Limited, has been President and Chief Honorary President of the Hong Kong Watch Manufacturers Association Limited, and rotating Chairman of the China Horologe Industry Federation. Upon graduating with a marketing major from CUHK’s United College, Mr. Lam joined the watch and clock industry, co-founding his company in the 90s. Under his leadership, the company grew quickly into a cross-border manufacturer boasting a workforce of nearly 300, with buyers from all corners of the world. Mr. Lam is Chairman of the Watches and Clocks Advisory Committee of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, and Vice-chairperson of the Watch and Clock Industry Training Advisory Committee of the Education Bureau, where he has contributed to empowering and advancing the industry, as well as advocating for vocational training. In recognition of his contributions to the sector, he was made a Fellow of Management and Business Administration and an Honorary Fellow at the Professional Validation Council of Hong Kong Industries. As much as Mr. Lam puts his heart and soul into building a successful career, his alma mater is always on his mind. He has become a frequent donor to the United College’s mentorship programme and scholarships, including donations to set up the Enders Lam Alumni Prizes and sponsored the Enders Lam College Service Prize. Mr. Lam has also been an active player in University affairs and in appeals for donations from his fellow alumni. He was a member of the University’s Council, Chairman of the Convocation and a member of the United College Board of Trustees, and is now a member of the Governing Board of CUHK-Shenzhen.
Mr. LI Kwok-sing Aubrey is Non-executive Director of The Bank of East Asia, Limited, Founder and Chairman of IAM Family Office Limited (formerly known as IAM Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited) and Chairman of the Advisory Board of MCL Financial Group Limited. Mr. Li has amassed over 40 years of experience in the financial sector. He was Managing Director of N M Rothschild & Sons in Hong Kong, Vice-Chairman of the Asia Pacific Region of S G Warburg & Co. (now UBS), and Non-executive Director of a number of listed companies in Hong Kong. His father, the late Dr. Li Fook-wo, established a long-lasting relationship with CUHK, serving as a member and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Chung Chi College (CCC) and a member of the CUHK Council. Mr. Aubrey Li has also forged a deep-rooted relationship with the University. In 1991, he joined the CCC Board of Trustees, and later served as Chairman of the College Board and a member of the CUHK Council. Throughout the years, both father and son have helped CUHK to grow sturdily and soar high and far in the tertiary education sector. In 2021, Mr. Aubrey Li and his family members generously funded the establishment of the “Fook Wo and Laura Jee Li Theatre” on the Chung Chi campus to better promote diverse artistic and cultural activities, encourage art appreciation and advance a humanistic approach to life among the campus community.
Professor WONG Nai-ching Henry is an alumnus of CUHK. After graduating from CUHK, he pursued further studies at University College London (UCL) and Harvard University. In 1983, he came back to CUHK, joining the Department of Chemistry. During his time at CUHK, he served as Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Reader, and Professor of Chemistry. He also concurrently served as Chairman of the Department, Head of New Asia College, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University and Dean of the Faculty of Science. When he retired in 2018, he was made an Emeritus Professor of Chemistry and continued to serve the Department as a Research Professor. He is now the X.Q. Deng Presidential Chair Professor at CUHK (SZ) and holds visiting and honorary professorships at various higher educational institutions in mainland China. Professor Wong’s research interests are synthetic methodology, synthesis of non-natural molecules, and the total synthesis of naturally occurring molecules. He verified Hückel’s rule by experiment, broadening enquiry into iron-catalysed carbon-carbon cross-coupling reactions. His discoveries have brought him numerous honours, including Second Prize of China’s State Natural Science Award and the Croucher Senior Research Fellowship, and elevated him to prestigious positions such as member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences for the advancement of science in developing countries, and founding member of the Hong Kong Academy of Sciences. He made history at CUHK, where he was appointed Head of New Asia College twice. He held this Headship position for a total of 15 years, a tenure second only to that of Professor Ch’ien Mu, the College’s Founding President.
Ms. YU Chui-yee, a Hong Kong paralympian, and an alumna of Chung Chi College, CUHK. She was diagnosed with bone cancer at age 11, and had her left leg amputated and fitted for a prosthesis. She joined the Hong Kong Sports Association for the Physically Disabled at the age of 16. At first, she took swimming lessons but later became a wheelchair fencer. She began to represent Hong Kong in world competitions in 2001. In 2004, still a secondary school student, she set off for the Athens Paralympics. There she won four gold medals, in the Women’s Individual Foil, Individual Épée, Team Foil and Team Épée competitions. She has participated in four Paralympic Games and won a total of seven gold, three silver and one bronze medals. She is the first local para-athlete to have won that number of gold medals in the Paralympic Games, winning her the affectionate title “Queen of Fencing”. After the Athens Paralympic Games, Ms. Yu was awarded a scholarship under the University’s Sports Scholarship Scheme to pursue undergraduate studies. During her years at CUHK, she shuttled between the campus and the Hong Kong Sports Institute, juggling the demands of studying and training. In 2010, she obtained an MA degree in Sports Studies. In addition to winning medals, Ms. Yu has also received numerous honours, including Hong Kong Sports Stars Award, Hong Kong Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award, Medal of Honour and Bronze Bauhinia Star from the HKSAR Government, and was appointed Chair of the IWAS (International Wheelchair and Amputee Sports Federation) Wheelchair Fencing Athlete Council, setting an example for all athletes and young people in Hong Kong.

(Front row) Group photos of the honorary fellows, Council Chairman Professor John Y.C. Chai (middle), Vice-Chancellor Professor Rocky S. Tuan (6th left), Provost Professor Alan K.L. Chan (3rd left), and Pro-Vice-Chancellors Professor Nick Rawlins and Professor Chan Wai-yee (1st-2nd left), Professor Sham Mai-har and Professor Poon Wai-yin (2nd-3rd right), and Vice-President Mr. Eric Ng (1st right).

(Front row) Group photos of the honorary fellows, Council Chairman Professor John Y.C. Chai (middle), Vice-Chancellor Professor Rocky S. Tuan (6th left), Provost Professor Alan K.L. Chan (3rd left), and Pro-Vice-Chancellors Professor Nick Rawlins and Professor Chan Wai-yee (1st-2nd left), Professor Sham Mai-har and Professor Poon Wai-yin (2nd-3rd right), and Vice-President Mr. Eric Ng (1st right).