News Centre

3 May 2024

Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng leads a Municipal Government visit to CUHK

3 May 2024

(From left to right) Mr Ma Chunlei, Secretary General of the Shanghai Municipal Government; Professor Lin Dahua, Director of CUHK Artificial Intelligence and Interdisciplinary Research Institute; Professor Alan K.L. Chan, Provost of CUHK; Mr Gong Zheng, Shanghai Mayor; Professor Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK; Professor Qiao Yu of the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory; and Mr Luo Dajin, Director of the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality.

Shanghai Mayor Mr Gong Zheng (middle) visiting CUHK’s Multi-scale Medical Robotics Center.

Professor Lin Dahua (right), Director of the Institute of Cross-Disciplinary Artificial Intelligence, presenting the Institute’s latest developments.

Shanghai Mayor Mr Gong Zheng led a delegation from the Shanghai Municipal Government to The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) on 28 April 2024. CUHK Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Rocky Tuan warmly welcomed the delegation, while other CUHK representatives, including the Provost Professor Alan K.L. Chan, were also present.

The delegation first visited CUHK’s Multi-scale Medical Robotics Center. Professor Samuel Au Kwok-wai, Founding Co-Director of the Centre, guided the delegation and introduced the latest advancements and developments in the field. Afterwards, the delegation visited the campus and the CUHK Artificial Intelligence and Interdisciplinary Research Institute. Professor Lin Dahua, Director of the Institute, delivered a comprehensive update on its progress and development. Representatives of the Institute and over 40 of its joint PhD students were in attendance.

Professor Tuan expressed gratitude for the longstanding support of the Shanghai Municipal Government during his speech at the meeting, particularly for the establishment of the CUHK Artificial Intelligence and Interdisciplinary Research Institute, in collaboration with the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. He stated that CUHK is committed to expanding its Greater China footprint, supporting the development of the Yangtze River Delta region through the establishment of the CUHK Shanghai Centre in Yangpu District, Shanghai. The initiative aims to foster the cultivation of innovative talents, promote scientific and technological cooperation, facilitate academic exchange, support alumni activities and strengthen collaboration with strategic partners. Professor Tuan said that CUHK is keen to further enhance the synergies among the government, universities and enterprises to achieve greater impact.

(From left to right) Mr Ma Chunlei, Secretary General of the Shanghai Municipal Government; Professor Lin Dahua, Director of CUHK Artificial Intelligence and Interdisciplinary Research Institute; Professor Alan K.L. Chan, Provost of CUHK; Mr Gong Zheng, Shanghai Mayor; Professor Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK; Professor Qiao Yu of the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory; and Mr Luo Dajin, Director of the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality.

(From left to right) Mr Ma Chunlei, Secretary General of the Shanghai Municipal Government; Professor Lin Dahua, Director of CUHK Artificial Intelligence and Interdisciplinary Research Institute; Professor Alan K.L. Chan, Provost of CUHK; Mr Gong Zheng, Shanghai Mayor; Professor Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK; Professor Qiao Yu of the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory; and Mr Luo Dajin, Director of the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality.


Shanghai Mayor Mr Gong Zheng (middle) visiting CUHK’s Multi-scale Medical Robotics Center.

Shanghai Mayor Mr Gong Zheng (middle) visiting CUHK’s Multi-scale Medical Robotics Center.


Professor Lin Dahua (right), Director of the Institute of Cross-Disciplinary Artificial Intelligence, presenting the Institute’s latest developments.

Professor Lin Dahua (right), Director of the Institute of Cross-Disciplinary Artificial Intelligence, presenting the Institute’s latest developments.


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