News Centre
Over 400 CUHK Members Vaccinated Against COVID-19 through Outreach Vaccination Service on Campus
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) plans to resume face-to-face classes and activities on campus in the new academic year of 2021-22. To reduce the risk of infection, the University has called on staff and students to actively vaccinate against COVID-19, and has arranged on campus the “Government’s COVID-19 Outreach Vaccination Service” to provide vaccination service to all staff and students as well as household members of staff living in staff quarters on campus. A total of over 400 people registered for vaccination. The outreach vaccination service on campus started today (14 July) for the first dose of BioNTech vaccine. The second dose will be given on August 4. For the CoronaVac by Sinovac, the first and second injections will be carried out tomorrow (15 July) and 12 August, respectively.
The Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr Patrick Nip, visited the CUHK Campus today. During the visit, he and Acting Vice-Chancellor and Provost of CUHK, Professor Alan K.L. Chan and Vice-President (Administration) Mr. Eric Ng viewed the administering of COVID-19 vaccine to the University members.
Professor Alan K.L. Chan, Acting Vice-Chancellor and Provost of CUHK, said, “As early as May, CUHK called on all University staff and students to get vaccinated. In addition to providing vaccination leave, we have further arranged outreach vaccination service. I am very happy that many CUHK members are actively participating in the outreach vaccination service. After the announcement of the relevant arrangements on 22 June, over 400 people have enrolled for the service. The more people successfully vaccinated, the stronger an immune barrier we establish, which is instrumental to overcoming the pandemic and to resuming our normal lives.”
Each University member can receive 2 boxes of surgical masks (50 masks each box) for each dose of vaccination through the outreach service and also vaccination leave, as announced earlier. CUHK Medical Centre has also been providing vaccination service from the start of the vaccination programme. The University hopes to encourage more staff and students to receive the COVID-19 vaccination, so that the campus and society can return to normal life as soon as possible.
For more information on the University’s infection control measures, please visit the “Act Together Against COVID-19” website

The Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr. Patrick Nip (5th right), Acting Vice-Chancellor and Provost of CUHK, Professor Alan K.L. Chan (5th left) and Vice-President (Administration) Mr. Eric Ng (4th right) view the administering of COVID-19 vaccine to the University members.