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CUHK United College Students Set up Toy Libraries for Orphanages and Schools in Northern Myanmar
With the sponsorship from the I•CARE Programme and the United College GOAL Programme, 12 students from the United College of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) visited the orphanages and schools in Lashio in Northern Myanmar in late December 2013. The service group helped the children set up two toy libraries with new toys and second-hand toys donated by CUHK teachers and students, hoping to bring joy to the local kids. To raise the appeal of the libraries, the team decorated them with colorful paints and stickers. The group also trained the local youths to run and manage the library so that the facilities can be sustained. During the service trip, the students also visited village families, taught at the village schools and organized a new year eve party for the children.
One of the participating students, Phyllissa, was inspired by the local children. ‘They reminded us to look at what we have instead of what we lack. When we saw flaws on the wall, they saw painters in every one of us. When we saw a shortage of supplies, they saw our good intentions.’
About United College GOAL Programme
To keep pace with globalisation and broaden its students’ international outlook, United College launched the comprehensive Globe-Oriented Active Learning (GOAL) Programme in 2008. Supported by a wide range of scholarships and financial awards, students have many opportunities to participate in non-local learning activities organised by the College or co-organised with other units of the University.
The GOAL programme encompasses long-term and short-term student exchanges, language and cultural learning programmes, research and internship projects, and many more. Through engagement in various cultural settings, students can learn to live and interact with people from different parts of the world.
About I•CARE Programme
With the slogan ‘Aspiration through reflection; Renewal through civility’, the I•CARE Programme aims to promote students’ holistic development through social and civic engagements in Hong Kong, mainland China and overseas countries, and to raise their humanistic and civic awareness. Led by the Steering Committee for Promoting Personal Development through Social and Civic Engagement, the programme adopts an integrated approach and supports students to participate in five programmes, including: 1) Social Service Project Scheme, 2) Research and Study Scheme, 3) NGO Internship Scheme, 4) Social Enterprise Scheme, and 5) University Lecture on Civility.
(From left) Mr. Chan Man-hin, Tony, Assistant College Secretary, United College and leader of 'Share Your Toys' Project; Miss Siu Pui-wu, Agnes, Miss Chan Yung-chui, Phyllissa and Mr. Chong Wing-ho, Samuel, members of the service group.