News Centre

23 Feb 2012

CUHK to Hold International Conference to Explore Developments of International Relations in East AsiaPublic is Welcome

23 Feb 2012

Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies (HKIAPS) and Department of Japanese Studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) will jointly organize an international conference on ‘Emerging Regionalism: Paradigm Shift of International Relations in East Asia?’ on 9 March (Friday) on campus. The opening ceremony will be officiated by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor, CUHK, and Prof. Fanny Cheung, Director, HKIAPS. Members of the public are welcome with free admission and limited seats are available on a first-come-first-served basis. The registration form is available at

Regionalism is currently one of the main features regulating international relations in East Asia. ASEAN, a group of 10 Southeast Asian countries, has demonstrated its importance by contributing to the stability and prosperity of the region since its establishment in 1967. Recently, China, Korea and Japan have been working together and have formed a trilateral relationship to address various issues of common interests. With over 10 experts from world renowned universities and professional bodies, as well as policy-makers and national ambassadors addressing at the international conference, it aims to review various on-going activities related to regional integration, and to look into future plans and agendas, in order to promote international and interdisciplinary collaboration in developing effective and innovative strategies.

Established since 1990, HKIAPS has actively supported multidisciplinary research on social, political, and economic development of Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific region to provide evidence-based knowledge for development of social policies. Details of the conference are as follows:


9 March 2012 (Friday)


9:00am – 12:30pm
Panel Session I: How do China, Korea and Japan see regional integration?
Panel Session II: ASEAN’s experience of regional integration and community-building 

1:45pm – 5:00pm
Panel Session III: Economic and financial cooperation and regional integration
Panel Session IV: Issues of common concern to be addressed through regional cooperation


Cho Yiu Hall, G/F, University Administration Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong




Please email ( or fax (2603 5215) the completed registration form (obtainable at



Ms. Bowie LIAN (Tel: 3943 6738; Fax: 2603 5215; Email:
Ms. Scarlette CHEUNG (Tel: 3943 1343; Fax: 2603 5215)


CUHK to Hold International Conference to Explore Developments of International Relations in East AsiaPublic is Welcome

23 Feb 2012

Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies (HKIAPS) and Department of Japanese Studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) will jointly organize an international conference on ‘Emerging Regionalism: Paradigm Shift of International Relations in East Asia?’ on 9 March (Friday) on campus. The opening ceremony will be officiated by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor, CUHK, and Prof. Fanny Cheung, Director, HKIAPS. Members of the public are welcome with free admission and limited seats are available on a first-come-first-served basis. The registration form is available at

Regionalism is currently one of the main features regulating international relations in East Asia. ASEAN, a group of 10 Southeast Asian countries, has demonstrated its importance by contributing to the stability and prosperity of the region since its establishment in 1967. Recently, China, Korea and Japan have been working together and have formed a trilateral relationship to address various issues of common interests. With over 10 experts from world renowned universities and professional bodies, as well as policy-makers and national ambassadors addressing at the international conference, it aims to review various on-going activities related to regional integration, and to look into future plans and agendas, in order to promote international and interdisciplinary collaboration in developing effective and innovative strategies.

Established since 1990, HKIAPS has actively supported multidisciplinary research on social, political, and economic development of Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific region to provide evidence-based knowledge for development of social policies. Details of the conference are as follows:


9 March 2012 (Friday)


9:00am – 12:30pm
Panel Session I: How do China, Korea and Japan see regional integration?
Panel Session II: ASEAN’s experience of regional integration and community-building 

1:45pm – 5:00pm
Panel Session III: Economic and financial cooperation and regional integration
Panel Session IV: Issues of common concern to be addressed through regional cooperation


Cho Yiu Hall, G/F, University Administration Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong




Please email ( or fax (2603 5215) the completed registration form (obtainable at



Ms. Bowie LIAN (Tel: 3943 6738; Fax: 2603 5215; Email:
Ms. Scarlette CHEUNG (Tel: 3943 1343; Fax: 2603 5215)