News Centre

20 Jul 2020

CUHK Offers Admission Scholarships and New Perseverance Bursary to Benefit 1000 JUPAS Students

20 Jul 2020

Whole-person education has always been a core mission of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), and various scholarships and financial aid schemes are in place to encourage and assist our students to explore and develop multiple talents beyond formal learning.  CUHK appreciates the many challenges faced by students sitting the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) examination this year under the threat of COVID-19, such as class suspension, repeated delays in exams, potential cancellation of exams, and financial hardships.  To recognize the effort of the students who have persevered and to ease the financial strain on their families, CUHK offers “University Admission Scholarships” and launches the new “Perseverance Bursary” that will benefit more than 1,000 admitted JUPAS students.   Details are as follows:

(1)   University Admission Scholarships for JUPAS Admittees

For entry in 2020, JUPAS admittees with Level 5** in 6 or more subjects in HKDSE will be given a study allowance of HK$20,000, on top of a full-tuition scholarship and an exchange scholarship of HK$30,000.  Both the study allowance and full-tuition scholarship are renewable up to the normative study period of the undergraduate programme, subject to good academic performance. Thus, the maximum total amount of a University admission scholarship would be HK$402,600 for a 6-year medical programme, and HK$278,400 for a 4-year programme.

New students who have attained Level 5** in 3 to 5 subjects in HKDSE will be given, on top of the admission scholarships for which they are eligible, a scholarship of HK$10,000 for overseas exchange or outreach activities. Students admitted to CUHK with Level 5** in 2 subjects will be eligible for an admission scholarship of HK$5,000.

It is estimated that approximately 400 students will receive these admission scholarships.  For further details, please refer to the Summary Table* or visit CUHK’s website at:  No separate application for admission scholarships is required.

(2)   Perseverance Bursary

CUHK also announces a new “CUHK Perseverance Bursary” (the Bursary) in recognition of the unwavering determination of HKDSE candidates, and to support admittees who have been adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

All candidates applying for admission to the University via JUPAS in 2020 are eligible to apply for CUHK Perseverance Bursary, by providing evidence of their family financial situation being adversely affected by the pandemic, or facing significant impending financial strain.  The Bursary is wholly need-based and non-means tested.  Upon admission to the University via JUPAS, successful applicants for the Bursary will receive a sum of no less than HK$10,000 each, up to a full-tuition amount of HK$42,100.  Applicants who are eligible to receive the merit-based University Admission Scholarships may receive top-up amount from the Bursary if their financial situation so warrants.

The Bursary is estimated to benefit approximately 600 students.  The Bursary is open for application today (20 July 2020).  Students eligible for the Bursary may submit an application via Office of Admissions and Financial Aid at: 

CUHK values the wellbeing of its members and strives to support capable students and enable their study plans against financial hardship.  The University rewards determined students with outstanding results, who are committed to strive for excellence and contribute to society after their graduation.

* Summary Table of Scholarships for JUPAS Students Admitted to CUHK on the Basis of HKDSE Results: 

HKDSE Result


Level 5** in 6 or more subjects

 –  Renewable full-tuition scholarship per annum
 –  One-off amount of HK$30,000 for an outgoing exchange or overseas learning activity
 –  Renewable annual study allowance of HK$20,000

Level 5** in 5 subjects

 –  Renewable half-tuition scholarship per annum
 –  One-off amount of HK$10,000 for an outgoing exchange or overseas learning activity

Level 5** in 4 subjects

 –  Non-renewable half-tuition scholarship
 –  One-off amount of HK$10,000 for an outgoing exchange or overseas learning activity

Level 5** in 3 subjects

 –  Non-renewable scholarship of HK$10,000
 –  One-off amount of HK$10,000 for an outgoing exchange or overseas learning activity

Level 5** in 2 subjects

 –  Non-renewable scholarship of HK$5,000