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CUHK Holds The 2017 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society
The 2017 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society hosted by the Department of Economics of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) was held during 3-5 June 2017 at Yasumoto International Academic Park on campus. The Econometric Society, regarded as the most respected international scholarly society in the economics profession, is an international society for the advancement of economics and its applications. Its Asian Meeting is the most prestigious annual conference in Asia covering all fields of economics. The programme committee chairs are Prof. Christopher Pissarides (The London School of Economics), Prof. Mark Rosenzweig (Yale University), Prof. Zheng Michael Song (CUHK), and Prof. Junsen Zhang (CUHK).
About 1,000 scholars and researchers from over 200 universities and organizations around the world participated in this 3-day conference. There were three plenary lectures (one of the keynote speakers is a Nobel Laureate), eleven invited lectures featuring top economic scholars covering all major fields of economics, and over 240 contributed sessions with presentations of almost 900 papers. The conference programme can be viewed at
The opening ceremony on 3 June was officiated at by Prof. Eddie Dekel, President of the Econometric Society in 2016, Tel Aviv University and Northwestern University, Mr. Paul Chan Mo-po, Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong SAR Government, and Prof. Benjamin Wah, Provost of CUHK.
Three distinguished keynote lectures were delivered by Prof. Torsten Persson (Stockholm University and The London School of Economics), Prof. James J. Heckman (The University of Chicago), and Prof. Mark Rosenzweig (Yale University).
Professor Persson delivered a lecture titled “Who Becomes a Politician?” on 3 June. He is currently the Swedish Research Council Distinguished Professor at the Institute for International Economic Studies at Stockholm University and the Centennial Professor at the London School of Economics. He was previously the President of the Econometric Society and Chair of the Prize Committee for the Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. His work spans many topics in political economics, development economics and macroeconomics.
Professor Heckman delivered the Jacob Marschak Lecture titled “Understanding the Multifaceted Life-Cycle Benefits for an Influential Early Childhood Program” on 4 June. He is currently the Henry Schultz Distinguished Service Professor of Economics and Director of the Center for the Economics of Human Development at the University of Chicago. In 2000, he won the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in recognition of his contribution to microeconometrics.
Professor Rosenzweig delivered a lecture titled “Are There Too Many Farms in the World?” on 5 June. He is currently the Frank Altschul Professor of International Economics at Yale University. He has devoted himself to research in economic growth and development and is one of the world’s most well-known scholars in development economics.
In addition to the three keynote lectures, eleven invited lectures from internationally renowned economics scholars covering many major fields of economics were also held during the conference. The lecture titles and speakers are:
- Firm-to-Firm Networks and International Trade
- by Prof. Samuel Kortum, Yale University
- Some Studies in Spatial and Social Networks Formation
- by Prof. Lung-Fei Lee, The Ohio State University
- Understanding the Great Gatsby Curve
- by Prof. Steven Durlauf, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Moving the Goalposts
- by Prof. Jeffrey Ely, Northwestern University
- The Impacts of Neighborhoods on Intergenerational Mobility
- by Prof. Raj Chetty, Stanford University
- Consumption and House Prices in the Great Recession: Model Meets Evidence
- by Prof. Gianluca Violante, New York University
- R&D Misallocation and TFP Growth: China Today vs. Taiwan Yesterday
- by Prof. Fabrizio Zilibotti, University of Zurich
- Global Mortality Consequences of Climate Change Accounting for Adaptation Costs and Benefits
- by Prof. Michael Greenstone, The University of Chicago
- Generalized Compensation Principle
- by Prof. Aleh Tsyvinski, Yale University
- How Destructive is Innovation?
- by Prof. Chang-Tai Hsieh, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business
- Filial Piety, Old-Age Support, and Children’s Gender Composition
- by Prof. Junsen Zhang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The 2017 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society concluded with great success on 5 June. The next Asian Meeting will be hosted by Sogang University, Korea, on 21 – 23 June 2018.
Prof. Benjamin Wah, Provost of CUHK (right) presents a souvenir to Mr. Mo-po Paul Chan, Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong SAR Government.
Toasting at the conference dinner by (from left) Prof. Eddie Dekel, President of the Econometric Society in 2016; Prof. Junsen Zhang, Program Committee Co-chair of 2017 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society; Prof. Atsushi Kajii, Chair of the Asia Regional Standing Committee of the Econometric Society; and Prof. In Choi, Program Committee Co-chair of 2018 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society.
Prof. Junsen Zhang, Program Committee Co-chair of 2017 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society delivers a speech at conference dinner.
Prof. James Heckman, 2000 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences delivers a Keynote Lecture titled "Understanding the Multifaceted Life-Cycle Benefits for an Influential Early Childhood Program"
Prof. Torsten Persson, Stockholm University and The London School of Economics delivers a Keynote Lecture titled "Who Becomes a Politician?"