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CUHK Faculty of Engineering Celebrates 25 Years of Excellence in Education and Innovation
The Faculty of Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) staged a series of celebration events and showcased recent achievements in education and research to mark its 25th anniversary on 8 October 2016.
The celebration day of the Faculty’s 25th anniversary began with an achievement exhibition featuring 20 research projects that advance human life. The great range of research projects covered biomedical sciences, environmental and green technology, information and communication technology, robotics and automation. Examples of these were a home-based smart rehabilitation training platform for elderly and disabled people and disruption management for public transport; real-time integrated vehicle and crew scheduling.
There were guided tours to seven engineering laboratories arranged for homecoming alumni to learn about the Faculty’s latest technology and facilities closer up. It was the first time for the CUHK T Stone Robotics Institute to present its new design and development of the robotic world to alumni. The Virtual Reality Visualization and Imaging Research Centre, Radio-frequency Radiation Research Laboratory, Multimedia Lab, Intelligent Control Systems Laboratory, and Financial Engineering Laboratory were also open for alumni on that day.
The Faculty has a long tradition of pursuing excellence in engineering education and passing it on to the next generation. On this special occasion, the Engineering Faculty Alumni Association organized a fundraising walkathon on the university campus. It was the Association’s initiative to mobilise the walkers’ support for the launch of the Engineering Faculty Alumni Association Scholarship Fund. Starting from Ho Sin Hang Engineering Building, the participants walked through New Asia College, Lee Woo Sing College, C. W. Chu College and ended at S. H. Ho College. The walkathon was a success, reaching the fundraising target of HK$250,000
Happy laughter warmed the evening at a celebration banquet, hosted by the Engineering Alumni Association at S. H. Ho College, which drew nearly 300 alumni and guests. The highlight of the anniversary celebration banquet was traditional Chinese calligraphy by CUHK Vice-Chancellor Prof. Joseph Sung being put up for charity auction. The money raised from the auction will go to support the scholarship fund for engineering students.
As part of the 25th anniversary celebrations, Prof. John E. Hopcroft was invited to deliver a distinguished lecture titled ‘Entering the Information Age’ on 5 October 2016. Professor Hopcroft is the IBM Professor of Engineering and Applied Mathematics in Computer Science at Cornell University and was honored with the A. M. Turing Award in 1986. At the talk, Professor Hopcroft discussed the education needed for the Information Age and gave examples of mathematics applications to undergird the education necessary for future careers.
Established 25 years ago, the Faculty of Engineering is committed to the education of future leaders, the pursuit of knowledge at the frontier of modern technology and the application of technology to meet societal and human needs. The outstanding professional accomplishments of 25 distinguished alumni will be recognized in the upcoming celebration.
(From left) Dr. Alan Lam, Founding Chairman of the Engineering Faculty Alumni Association; Prof. Wong Kam Fai, Acting Dean of Enigneering, Prof. Benjamin Wah, Provost, Mr. Joe Wong, Chairman of the Engineering Faculty Alumni Assoication