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CUHK Entrepreneur Day 2021 Builds Win-Win Entrepreneurship Ecosystem
New Interactive Display Zone Showcasing CUHK Entrepreneurs’ Innovative Achievements
Initiated by the CUHK Alumni Torch Fund, the CUHK Entrepreneur Day 2021 is being held today and tomorrow (24 and 25 September) on The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) campus in a hybrid format. The two-day event features an online exhibition, a series of thematic talks, entrepreneurial masterclasses and workshops, as well as the new interactive display zone to showcase and promote CUHK distinctive entrepreneurship and innovation. The theme of this year’s event is “Entrepreneurship‧Innovation‧Sharing for Good”. CUHK alumni were also invited to create themed, large-scale three-dimensional installations for display this year.
CUHK is dedicated to building an innovation ecosystem integrating research, innovation and entrepreneurship. Following the launch of the first CUHK Innovation Day yesterday, the 7th CUHK Entrepreneur Day aims at encouraging CUHK members to seek new opportunities with their innovation and creativity. In order to create an entrepreneurship ecosystem for CUHK members and a win-win situation, experienced seniors will groom young students and alumni for starting their own businesses and making contributions to Hong Kong and to the globe.
The opening ceremony of the CUHK Entrepreneur Day 2021 and the inauguration ceremony of the CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance were held today. The officiating guests included Professor Rocky S. TUAN, Vice-Chancellor and President, CUHK, Mr. Edward YAU Tang-wah, GBS, JP, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development and Mr. Stephen LIANG, Assistant Executive Director, Hong Kong Trade Development Council.
In his welcoming speech, Professor Rocky Tuan said, “CUHK is committed to promoting the development of innovation and technology and supporting the translation of research into innovative ideas. We have successfully nurtured numerous outstanding products and services. CUHK Entrepreneur Day is an annual highlight event of the University. Through this event, I hope CUHK members can inspire each other on the pathway to innovation and entrepreneurship by upholding the spirit of ‘Sharing for Good’, enabling the realisation of aspirations and the translation of research findings into tangible benefits to society and to the world.” CUHK is also pleased to have invited Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation, Cyberport and the Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund as partners in the event this year, providing more support to CUHK entrepreneurs, he added.
Top Three of The CUHK Entrepreneurship Competition
The final of the 5th CUHK Entrepreneurship Competition was concluded successfully with the five finalists introducing their projects and entrepreneurial achievements. The five finalists were Beth Bioinformatics Co., Ltd, which can accurately characterise viral genome and optimal vaccine antigen design with the help of AI and big-data analysis; BioMed Technology Holdings Limited, which offers a comprehensive programme for gut health from microbiome testing to advanced probiotics products; Han-Peng Assisted Reproductive Technology Limited, which predicts blastocyst formation potential and implantation potential of the embryo; LaSense Technology Limited, which provides ultra-sensitive sensing data services with advanced laser spectroscopy technologies and artificial intelligence algorithm; and LeapFlash Technology Limited, which has developed an all-one-system providing systematic medication management covering drug dispensing, drug distribution and drug serving.
After rounds of assessment, Han-Peng Assisted Reproductive Technology Limited has been selected as the winner of the 5th CUHK Entrepreneurship Competition, while LaSense Technology Limited and BioMed Technology Holdings Limited have won the first runner-up and second runner-up respectively. Winners are awarded a total of over HK$100,000 in prizes. Teams which showed exemplary results in the first round were also invited to the incubation programme, IDEATION, launched by the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park.
Interactive Display Zone Showcasing Products by CUHK entrepreneurs
A new interactive display zone has been introduced to the event this year. Featuring four advanced technology products led by CUHK members, the interactive display zone is set up at the Yasumoto International Academic Park, CUHK and has attracted many participants for a first-hand experience. The four products are automatic retinal image analysis technology for the detection of stroke; an intelligent hand rehabilitation robotic glove; a digital platform for health data capturing and visualisation from manometer photo; and an autonomous delivery robot equipped with depth cameras and ultrasound sensors. (See attachment for a brief induction of the products). The entrepreneurial workshops have invited a number of senior alumni to share legal advice, presentation skills and tips for seeking funding.
In addition, a special promotion video named “CUHK Innovations that Changed the World” has been launched along with the CUHK Entrepreneur Day. It features four professors and their achievements in knowledge transfer which significantly changed the world, namely Professor Dennis Lo for non-invasive prenatal test and liquid biopsy, Professor Tony Mok for lung cancer targeted therapy, Professor Raymond Yeung for network coding, and Professor Lam Hon-ming for soybean genomic research. To view the video:
Online Exhibition of over 100 Start-up Projects
In order to foster exchanges between participants and entrepreneurs, an online exhibition displays more than 100 start-up projects developed by CUHK members, ranging from artificial intelligence, biomedical technology, financial technology to web application and social innovation. The “CUHK Alumni Start-up Directory” is set up this year. Along with the participants joining the exhibition this year, the directory also covers over 360 start-ups and their products and services exhibited in the past.
Seven Thematic Talks Slated to Launch Tomorrow
Seven thematic talks by CUHK scholars and alumni to share their entrepreneurial achievements and experience will be held tomorrow. Some of the themes include “Innovation starts from changing yourself”, “Social innovation and new inspirations”, “Expanding the business outside Hong Kong” and “From entrepreneurship to investment and start-up”. Professor CHIU Wai Yan, Philip, Associate Dean (External Affairs), CUHK Medicine and Professor AU Kwok Wai, Samuel, Faculty of Engineering at CUHK will also join the discussion on integrating engineering and medicine for the benefit of society.
More about CUHK Entrepreneur Day:
About CUHK Alumni Torch Fund
CUHK Alumni Torch Fund, founded in September 2014, was initiated by a group of CUHK alumni representatives and is supported by the Alumni Affairs Office of CUHK to promote a caring culture among CUHK alumni. It is set up to help CUHK alumni, in particular the young ones, to strengthen their competitive advantages and exposure to entrepreneurial opportunities, and to encourage CUHK alumni in developing their expertise and achieving excellence in the academic field.
About CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance
CUHK Entrepreneurs Alliance (CUEA) members cover both school units and alumni organisations including the CUHK Alumni Torch Fund, the Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services, the Centre for Innovation and Technology, the Centre for Entrepreneurship, the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Minor Programme, the I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development, the Pre-incubation Centre, the CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute, the Alumni Entrepreneurs Association, and the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Sub-committee of CUHK Convocation. CUEA organises regular entrepreneurship-related activities, builds an effective and informative entrepreneurial platform bringing together CUHK entrepreneurs and inventors and fosters a favourable and diverse ecosystem for entrepreneurial opportunities.

(From left) Professor Rocky S. TUAN, Vice-chancellor and President of CUHK, Mr. Edward YAU Tang-wah, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of HKSAR Government, and Mr. Stephen LIANG, Assistant Executive Director of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council officiate at the opening ceremony of 2021 CUHK Entrepreneur Day.

Mr. Edward YAU Tang-wah, GBS, JP, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development delivers a speech.

Mr. Stephen LIANG, Assistant Executive Director, Hong Kong Trade Development Council speaks at the event.

Professor Rocky S. TUAN (right), Vice-Chancellor and President, CUHK, visits the interactive display zone.

The winner, first runner-up and second runner-up of the 5th CUHK Entrepreneurship Competition are Han-Peng Assisted Reproductive Technology Limited, LaSense Technology Limited and BioMed Technology Holdings Limited respectively.

The interactive display zone features four advanced technology products developed by CUHK entrepreneurs for a first-hand experience.

Inspired by CUHK’s mountain scenery, Edmond WONG Chak Yuen, alumnus of the School of Architecture, CUHK has infused mountain morphology into the design of the three-dimensional installation for the event. Chinese characters meaning “Entrepreneurship‧Innovation‧Sharing for Good” can be seen from both sides of the installation.