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CUHK Chung Chi College Kicks off FM 530 Friday Evening Music Event
The Chung Chi College of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has recently launched a music event ‘FM 530’ (Friday Music at 5:30pm), inviting teachers and students to perform any kinds of music at the University Station Piazza. The event aims to encourage the campus community to appreciate different types of music. Officiating at the opening ceremony were Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK; Prof. Fong Wing Ping, Acting Head of Chung Chi College, CUHK; and Prof. Lo Hau Man, Music Director of Chung Chi Wind Orchestra.
The Ceremony was kicked off by a performance by the Chung Chi Wind Orchestra led by Prof. Lo Hau Man. Five members of the orchestra performed Pytor Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s famous score The Nutcracker with flute, French horn, bassoon, clarinet and oboe, followed by original vocal solos by two students from departments of Music and Social Work. Their songs brought out messages about pursuing dreams and care for the homeless people.
FM530 is held from 5:30pm to 6:30pm every Friday at the University Station Piazza. All are welcome to stop by and enjoy the pleasure of music.
Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor and President (middle); Prof. Fong Wing Ping, Acting Head of Chung Chi College and Prof. Lo Hau Man, Music Director of Chung Chi Wind Orchestra officiate at the FM530 Opening Ceremony.
CUHK Chung Chi College Kicks off FM 530 Friday Evening Music Event
The Chung Chi College of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has recently launched a music event ‘FM 530’ (Friday Music at 5:30pm), inviting teachers and students to perform any kinds of music at the University Station Piazza. The event aims to encourage the campus community to appreciate different types of music. Officiating at the opening ceremony were Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK; Prof. Fong Wing Ping, Acting Head of Chung Chi College, CUHK; and Prof. Lo Hau Man, Music Director of Chung Chi Wind Orchestra.
The Ceremony was kicked off by a performance by the Chung Chi Wind Orchestra led by Prof. Lo Hau Man. Five members of the orchestra performed Pytor Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s famous score The Nutcracker with flute, French horn, bassoon, clarinet and oboe, followed by original vocal solos by two students from departments of Music and Social Work. Their songs brought out messages about pursuing dreams and care for the homeless people.
FM530 is held from 5:30pm to 6:30pm every Friday at the University Station Piazza. All are welcome to stop by and enjoy the pleasure of music.