News Centre

24 Jun 2008

CUHK Appoints Prof. Michael Hui as Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Prof. Joseph Lau as Master-designate of Lee Woo Sing College

24 Jun 2008

Prof Michael King-man Hui

Prof. Joseph Wan-yee Lau

Prof. Joseph Lau and his medical students at a graduation party in 2007.

The Council of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has approved the appointment of Prof. Michael King-man Hui as Pro-Vice-Chancellor for two years from 1 January 2009. Prof. Pak-wai Liu, after 13 years of service as Pro-Vice-Chancellor, will return to the Department of Economics on 1 January 2009 as Professor of Economics and devote himself to teaching and research. Prof. Michael King-man Hui will join Prof. Kenneth Young, Prof. Jack Chun-yiu Cheng and Prof. Pak-chung Ching as Pro-Vice-Chancellors of the University. The University Council has also approved the appointment of Prof. Joseph Wan-yee Lau, Professor of Surgery, as Master-designate of Lee Woo Sing College. Prof. Lau is a world-renowned expert on hepato-pancreato-biliary surgery and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Prof. Pak-wai Liu’s Significant Contributions as Pro-Vice-Chancellor for 13 Years

Prof. Pak-wai Liu first took up the pro-vice-chancellorship of CUHK on 1 October 1995. Over the past 13 years, he has made significant achievements, working with four Vice-Chancellors and fostering the University’s development. Prof. Liu’s contributions to the University’s resource allocation, deployment of spatial assets and buildings on campus, formulation of financial policy and personnel system, and external fundraising are especially worthy of note. He played an active role in the founding of the School of Law and in laying for it a solid foundation within the brief span of a few years, thereby enabling it to attract the support of the Government, the profession and the public, and to enjoy popularity among students. He also played a significant role in planning the establishment of the Teaching Hotel and the teaching blocks of the Faculty of Business Administration—projects which, after years of hard work, have finally borne fruit. CUHK has decided to establish new Colleges in order to accommodate 3,000 extra students upon the reversion to the four-year undergraduate curriculum in 2012. Prof. Liu’s role in the planning and implementation stages of these projects has been crucial and has helped to garner support for the new Colleges from various sectors. With the successful establishment of five new Colleges, the pride of CUHK—the college system—will flourish.

In administration, Prof. Liu designed and implemented the one-line budget system, giving departments, teaching, research and administrative units greater flexibility and autonomy in management and development. From 1998 to 2005, the University suffered a cut of 20% in Government subvention on account of an economic downturn. Prof. Liu assisted the Vice-Chancellor in formulating the appropriate financial and personnel policies so the University could maintain its teaching and research quality, and be ready to accelerate its development once the Hong Kong economy improved. After 13 years in the Pro-Vice-Chancellor’s seat, Prof. Liu hopes to spend more time and energy on teaching and research. He will return to the Department of Economics on 1 January 2009 and continue to honour his responsibilities as Professor of Economics. The University Council is deeply grateful to Prof. Liu for his dedicated service and exceptional contributions in the last 13 years.

Prof. Michael King-man Hui Appointed Pro-Vice-Chancellor

Prof. Michael King-man Hui is currently Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Professor of Marketing. Prof. Hui obtained his BBA from CUHK in 1980 and his Ph.D. from the London Business School in 1988. He held academic appointments in the UK and Canada prior to joining CUHK in 1996. In 1999-2002, he was associate dean of the Faculty of Business Administration of CUHK and director of its BBA programme. Prof. Hui became Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University in 2004 and, in that capacity, managed campus development projects and oversaw various University administrative units, including the Campus Development Office, the Estates Management Office, and the Chinese University Press. He sits on many University committees and chairs the Campus Landscaping Enhancement Committee.

Prof. Hui’s research and teaching interests include services marketing, cross-cultural marketing and consumer behaviour. He has published widely in major international academic journals and also serves on the editorial boards of many. He was a recipient of the first Outstanding Teacher Awards presented by the Faculty of Business Administration in 2003, and the Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award in 2004. He also provides consultancy and training services to external organizations. ‘I hope to build on the good foundation laid by my predecessor to allocate and deploy the University’s resources effectively, strengthen internal and external communication, and recruit and maintain talent, so we can rise to any opportunity or challenge that may cross our path.’ Prof. Hui’s vision is to nurture the human capital essential for Hong Kong’s development into a regional service centre, and inspire his students to devote themselves to academic work and the development of management education in Hong Kong and the mainland.

Prof. Joseph Wan-yee Lau Appointed Master-designate of Lee Woo Sing College

Prof. Joseph Wan-yee Lau is Professor of Surgery at CUHK, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a well-known expert on hepato-pancreato-biliary surgery. Prof. Lau received an MB BS from The University of Hong Kong in 1972 and underwent surgical training at the University of London in the UK. He joined the Faculty of Medicine of CUHK in 1988 and was promoted to Professor of Surgery in 1993. A passionate researcher and well-loved teacher, Prof. Lau has, over the years, helped to nurture generations of surgeons both within and outside China. He has made enormous contributions to radical excision in cancers of the liver and the hilar bile, as well as to liver transplantation, and is a founder of liver transplantation in Hong Kong and South-east Asia. Prof. Lau’s medical achievements have won him numerous honours, including fellowship/honorary fellowship in over 10 specialty colleges in China and overseas.

Prof. Lau is elated at being appointed Master-designate of Lee Woo Sing College. ‘I hope my experiences can inspire students to have broader visions, higher goals, greater courage, and strength and resilience in realizing their goals.’ He believes in the importance of general education. The College will play host to a diverse range of activities. Its students will be encouraged to go on overseas exchange to enhance communication, interpersonal and leadership skills, and hence be equipped to contribute to Hong Kong and the country.

CUHK received a generous donation to establish the Lee Woo Sing College last October. The College will accommodate up to 1,200 students, comprising 600 residential students and up to 600 commuters. The College campus is located on Residence Road at CUHK. Construction of the campus building will commence soon and the building is targeted for completion in early 2011.

Prof Michael King-man Hui

Prof Michael King-man Hui


Prof. Joseph Wan-yee Lau

Prof. Joseph Wan-yee Lau


Prof. Joseph Lau and his medical students at a graduation party in 2007.

Prof. Joseph Lau and his medical students at a graduation party in 2007.


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