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CU RElief Fund Creates More than 300 Job and Internship Opportunities and Calls for Continuous Support
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) launched the CU RElief Fund (Fund) to help University members overcome difficulties and financial problems imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, and to bolster their resilience. Under the enthusiastic support from alumni, faculty, and various sectors and organisations, CUHK has created more than 300 job and internship opportunities within two months.
The job opportunities open for CUHK members include short-term on-campus job opportunities for graduating students of the class of 2020 and alumni of the class of 2019, short-term job and summer internship opportunities offered by various sectors and organisations, and also on-campus jobs with allowance for current CUHK full-time undergraduate students whose families are adversely affected by the pandemic.
The above-mentioned positions are now being matched to the requirements of applicants and recruiters. Applicants who receive job offers will start working in July. The summer internship programme will begin next week, while those off-campus short-term job opportunities are still accepting applications from graduating students and alumni.
The Fund thanks all donors for their generous support and calls on all sectors of society to provide job opportunities continuously. At the same time, it is hoped that the members of the public will consider donating all or part of the money received under the HK$10,000 Government’s Cash Payout Scheme to the Fund.
About the CU RElief Fund
To cope with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on CUHK members, CUHK launched the CU RElief Fund on 20 April 2020, which aims to provide assistance and support to members who are adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and to enhance the resilience of the CUHK community. It offers job opportunities to current students and alumni of the classes of 2019 and 2020 to help them gain work experience and competitiveness. It also provides interest-free emergency loans for full-time staff members in junior posts (on Terms of Service C and equivalent terms) to ease their families’ financial difficulties.
For information on donation and application, please visit