News Centre

27 Oct 2015

Children’s Issues Forum: Local and International Professionals to Discuss Matters Related to the Welfare, Well-being and Safety of Hong Kong Children

27 Oct 2015

The Third Children’s Issues Forum (CIF) will be held at the Graduate Law Centre of CUHK in the Bank of America Tower, on Friday 13th and Saturday 14th November 2015.  This two-day international multidisciplinary forum will discuss matters relating to children’s welfare, well-being and safety.

Organized collaboratively between the Faculty of Law of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), the Faculty of Law of the University of Hong Kong (HKU), the Law Society of Hong Kong, the Family Law Association, and with the support of the Hong Kong Bar Association, the Forum will gather members of the local and overseas judiciary and legal profession, government officials from Hong Kong and overseas, health care and child protection professionals, mediators and community and non-profit organisations to share their views and insights.

The Hon. Chief Justice Geoffrey Ma Tao-Li, GBM, Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal, will be the keynote speaker.  Other speakers will include: the Rt. Hon Sir Matthew Thorpe, former Lord Justice of Appeal, England and Wales; Prof. Christopher Gane, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Simon F.S. Li Professor of Law, CUHK; The Hon. Matthew Cheung Kin-chung DBS JP, Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Government of the HKSAR; Prof. Daniel Shek, Chairman of the Family Council; HK Family Court judges and many more.

Prof. Anne Scully-Hill, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, CUHK, and a member of the CIF3 Organising Committee, said, “Following the success of the second CIF held in 2012, the third CIF will continue to discuss children’s rights and needs in Hong Kong and internationally, and especially the very pressing need for the Hong Kong government to deliver the anticipated reform of the law on child custody.”

Programme overview:

Day One



13 November 2015 (Friday)


1:00 pm to 6:30 pm


The Graduate Law Centre, CUHK,
2/F, Bank of America Tower
12 Harcourt Road, Central, HK


Law reforms in dealing with children on divorce: a children bill for Hong Kong – a long awaited reform 

Experiences from other jurisdictions – what happened to those who had reformed? What happened to those who decided against change? 

Day Two



14 November 2015 (Saturday)


8:30 am to 6:30 pm


The Graduate Law Centre, CUHK,
2/F, Bank of America Tower
12 Harcourt Road, Central, HK


To discuss specific issues affecting children, such as: review of the Children’s Dispute Resolution Practice, the challenges entailed in representing children’s perspectives in legal proceedings, frontline experience with child poverty, review of data and policy opportunities in Hong Kong and internationally.



Registration fee:

Student rate: HK$200
NGO rate: HK$1,350
Regular rate: HK$2,600 


Legal practitioners, other professionals, members of the public are all welcome. Only limited seats are available for the Forum. For more details about the Forum, online registration and payment details, please see .