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CUHK’s “In Dialogue with Ven. Kuan Yun” event explores the intersection of Buddhism and biomedicine
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) hosted “In Dialogue with Ven. Kuan Yun – Buddhism and Biomedicine” on CUHK’s campus on 27 March 2024. The eponymous Chairman of the Hong Kong Buddhist Association and Abbot of Western Monastery of Hong Kong Ven. Kuan Yun, and Professor Rocky S. Tuan, the Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK, engaged in an inspiring conversation about the intricate relationship between religion and science. The event attracted a full house and viewers from around the world watched the broadcast live.
Citing Albert Einstein, who famously remarked that “science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind,” Ven. Kuan Yun expressed his hope that Buddhism wisdom can enlighten and guide scientists throughout their research and innovation journeys.
Describing his interpretation of the correlation between Buddhism and biomedicine, Professor Tuan said, “The experiences and realisations about life from the venerable figures in Buddhism over the past two thousand years have consoled our souls and inspired the development of biomedicine, especially in the ethical and moral aspects of medical research, the application of medical technology, and the provision of palliative care services. There is much that the Buddhist and biomedical research communities can learn from one another. This type of interdisciplinary dialogue that examines the nexus between the spiritual and scientific worlds is exactly the type of rich cultural and intellectual tapestry that we hope to forge at CUHK”.
To conclude, Professor Tuan thanked Ven. Kuan Yun for his enlightening insights and encouraged CUHK professors and students to delve deeper into the exploration of the relationship between religion and science.
CUHK was established with the mission “to Combine Tradition with Modernity; to Bring Together China and West”. The University has committed itself to upholding the humanistic spirit and life education since its establishment. In 2005, CUHK established “The Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism” to nurture talents through education and to propagate Buddhist teachings through cultural activities.