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25 Mar 2009 中大研發網上教育遊戲「農場狂想曲2」 鼓勵學生從遊戲中學習 (Chinese Version Only) 24 Mar 2009 CUHK Biologist Named Croucher Senior Research Fellow 2009-2010 24 Mar 2009 CUHK is the first in Asia to Introduce aNew Ablation Technology to Treat Cardiac Arrhythmia 23 Mar 2009 中大生物系「降魔伏妖之無間道行動」研究 防治植物殺手薇甘菊 (Chinese Version Only) 23 Mar 2009 香港中文大學新亞書院六十週年院慶學術講座暨第二十二屆錢賓四先生學術文化講座 (Chinese Version Only) 22 Mar 2009 CUHK Hosts International Conference on China’s Diplomacy in the 21st Century 19 Mar 2009 香港中文大學與深圳市政府今日簽訂全面合作備忘錄並慶祝中大深圳研究院大樓正式動土 (Chinese Version Only) 18 Mar 2009 CUHK Holds the First Cross-Strait Conference on Spatially Integrated Humanities and Social Sciences 16 Mar 2009 CUHK Wins Top Design Prize at Hong Kong Flower Show 16 Mar 2009 Opening Ceremony of CUHK Cancer Patient Acupuncture Centre 12 Mar 2009 中大工程學院女博士畢業生獲東京大學教席 (Chinese Version Only) 11 Mar 2009 CUHK Global Business Students Win Three Championships 10 Mar 2009 Inaugural graduation class of the Credit Suisse – The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Professional Diploma in Global Finance 9 Mar 2009 Metabolic Syndrome Can Increase the Risk of Liver Cirrhosis in Chronic Hepatitis B by over Fourfold 9 Mar 2009 The Art of TranslationA workshop on pitfalls in translation by accomplished writers 8 Mar 2009 All-round CUHK Students with Eye on the World 6 Mar 2009 CUHK Wei Lun Public Lecture Presents“Gene-Environment Interactions in Lung Cancer” by Professor David Christiani from Harvard School of Public Health 5 Mar 2009 首屆海峽兩岸《空間綜合人文學與社會科學論壇》將在中大舉行 (Chinese Version Only) 4 Mar 2009 CUHK to represent Hong Kong in the world’s most prestigious mooting competition 3 Mar 2009 中大舉辦45周年校慶博文公開講座系列物理系朱明中教授暢談神秘的宇宙 (Chinese Version Only)