Pragmatics for Enhancing Online Pedagogy: An Arts and Humanities Perspective
17 Jun 2022
Professor Ian Morley (Associate Professor, Department of History)
Professor Ian Morley
Associate Professor, Department of History
Ian Morley is an Associate Professor in the Department of History at CUHK. Since 2009, he has successfully received eleven courseware, micro-module courseware, and teaching development and language enhancement grants. He has been a recipient of the Arts Faculty Outstanding Teaching Award seven times, and is a Senior Fellow of Advance HE (UK).
Professor Wendy Wan-Ki Lee
Associate Professor, Department of Music
Wendy Wan-Ki Lee is an Associate Professor of the CUHK Music Department and an Associate Dean (Development) of the CUHK Graduate School. Wendy is an avid advocate of contemporary works with diverse musical interests. She has a strong interest in music composition pedagogy, and recently she was supported by a CUHK courseware grant to produce a set of micromodules of instrumental extended techniques for use in her music composition courses.
This online session offers opportunity for two experienced Arts scholars to discuss a range of matters associated with online teaching and learning at CUHK. Focusing upon matters that include student motivation, ‘good teaching practice’, etc., they will draw upon their own experiences and grant-centred projects to discuss the perils, pitfalls, and benefits aligned to e-learning and hybrid education. In so doing, what aids pedagogical growth within the context of the Arts Faculty at CUHK will be outlined. Topics discussed will be of relevance to those in the Arts Faculty seeking to compose their first teaching grant application, and postgraduate students envisaging a career in the higher education sector in the coming years.
Language: English