
Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2018


7 Dec 2018


8:45am to 5:15pm


UG and 1/F, Lee Shau Kee Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


39430834 / 39433534

Event Details:

The “Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo” is an annual event since 2007 jointly organised by Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research and Information Technology Services Centre of CUHK. It provides an excellent opportunity and mutually supportive environment for academic colleagues of CUHK, where creative ideas or practices that lead to learning enhancement can be exchanged through dialogues and interactive presentations.

Highlights of the event this year include opening address by Pro-Vice-Chancellor Professor Poon Wai-yin, speeches from awardees of 2018 University Education Award, and 108 poster presentations by CUHK colleagues as well as teachers from sister universities. Vice-Chancellor Professor Rocky Tuan and Provost Professor Benjamin Wah will officiate the opening ceremony of the poster session. In the afternoon, 35 talks will be grouped under topics and themes (a new arrangement this year to facilitate in-depth theme-based discussion), in which CUHK teachers will explain to the audience a rich variety of innovative teaching strategies they used.

For more details, please visit