
Sir Terry Farrell LectureUrban Dialogue : The City as a Tangled Bank


7 Apr 2016


18:00 – 19:30


Lecture Theatre LT2, YIA Park


Sir Terry Farrell

Biography of Speaker:

Sir Terry Farrell, CBE, who has built an international career as an architect-planner, encourages other planners and architects to follow the biologists—look at, learn from, and, indeed, admire the nature of the forces that drive the change, and then with humility and respect work with them to nudge, anticipate and prepare for where it takes us. Searching for patterns within the apparent turbulence and complexity, he analyses the notions of urban design and urban evolution and examines whether or not they need necessarily be seen as opposing one another.


For enquiries, please contact Ms. Yan Lau at 3943-6583 or

Event Details:

The lecture by Sir Terry Farrell will explore emergence as an idea in a biological and architectural context, as well as the distinction between urban design and planning in both education and practice, and the impact of other fields such as landscape design. He will also examine a range of themes embracing the importance of chain reactions in the progress of urban engineering; the character of habitation; layering; taste and context; adaptation and conversion; the advocacy of the architectplanner; and the effects of digital technology on city evolution— all elucidating his thoughts with examples from cities across the world including Beijing, Hong Kong, London, New York and Paris.