Public Lecture Series for Secondary School Students – What is a ‘Philosophical Problem’?
10 Feb 2012
5:30pm – 6:30pm (Light Refreshments at 6:30pm)
Lecture Theatre 1, Cheng Yu Tung Building
Professor KWAN Tze Wan, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts
On-Line Registration:
Tel: 39438947 / 39438951
Fax: 26035184
In the history of humanity, no matter East or West, we find traditions of philosophical learning traceable back to antiquity, manifested as different philosophical problems and discourses. Notwithstanding their idiosyncrasies, do these traditions share any common concern? Starting with a brief analysis of the terms zhe and philosophy, followed by some discussion on the ambiguity of the term “problem/question”, this lecture aims to throw light on the relation between philosophy and the existential situation of man, and on the nature of philosophical thinking as such. The lecture will also explain how philosophical problems and concepts come about and how they help constitute what we call cultural traditions. By naming some classical examples of philosophical problems the lecture attempts to show how philosophy addresses the fundamental issues of human existence.
-in Cantonese
-Seats are limited, please register at your earliest convenience.