Only Vulnerable Creatures Suffer: On Suffering, Embodiment and Existential Health
14 Mar 2019
2:30pm – 4:15pm
Conference Room, G/F Theology Building, Chung Chi College, CUHK
Professor Ola Sigurdson (Professor of Systematic Theology, Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion, University of Gothenburg)
Online registration:
For enquiries, please visit or contact Ms. Tsang at 3943 8155
In this talk I wish to explore how suffering, embodiment and existential health relate to each other through a phenomenological and theological analysis. I am especially interested in how suffering, which I will argue should be distinguished from the experience of pain, relates to human agency, and how suffering then becomes a particular mode of being in the world. Suffering is essential for the understanding of human beings as vulnerable creatures, but suffering can mean several different things, and to tease out these different nuances will be important to understand what kind of subjectivity that is involved in our understanding of the suffering human being. It is through suffering as an ‘active passivity’ that we can transform the experience of pain (or any cause of suffering) to a constructive relationship that could be called ‘existential health’ through a work of suffering that could remind us of a spiritual discipline.
The lecture will be conducted in English only. All are welcome. Free admission.