
Faculty of Arts: Colloquium Talk (Term 1, 2016-17) – Professor Grant Hamilton on Mia Couto: the poet-scientist


21 Oct 2016


4 – 6 pm


G24, Arts and Humanities Hub, G/F, Fung King Hey Building


Professor Grant HamiltonDepartment of English


Tel: 3943 7107 (Ms. Sonia Yip)

Synopsis of Lecture:

In this talk, Professor Hamilton looks to introduce the work of the important Mozambican writer, Mia Couto, to the Hong Kong reader. He does so by referencing his newly published co-edited collection of research on this exciting writer, titled A Companion to Mia Couto (2016) – a project that was made possible by the generous support received from the Faculty of Arts at CUHK in the form of an award of a Humanities Fellowship in 2015. An influential writer who has been recognized by many important international literary awarding bodies, Couto is presented in this talk as a significant voice in world literature. However, in making much of Couto’s continuing and serious scientific work as an environmental biologist, Professor Hamilton makes a case here for thinking of Couto’s compelling fiction as the product of a mind that marries the seemingly antagonistic worlds of the poet and the scientist.