Chung Chi College Chapel Sunday Service:
The Glory of the Lord
2 Mar 2025
10:30 am
Chung Chi College Chapel
Rev. LI Kwan Hung Leo
Honorary Assistant Chaplain, Chung Chi College, CUHK;
Lecturer, Divinity School of Chung Chi College, CUHK
You are welcome to join the Sunday Service at Chung Chi College Chapel. It will be conducted in Cantonese, supported with Putonghua and English simultaneous interpretation service. Or you can view the live broadcast via the following channels:
Zoom Webinar (with simultaneous interpretation service): Webinar ID: 924 3772 2732 | Passcode: 692038 | Link:
Chaplain’s Office, Chung Chi College – Ms. Tsang 3943 4144 /