
1 Mar 2022

Statement on the expiry of current CUSU term

1 Mar 2022

In 2021, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) received legal advice stating that it was a requirement for the Chinese University Student Union (CUSU) to seek independent registration under the Companies or Societies Ordinance.

The University provided an extended registration deadline to 31 October 2021, and we stood ready to assist CUSU with its registration. CUSU did not apply for registration by the extended deadline, and effectively disbanded its operations with its announcement issued on 7 October 2021.

While both the CUSU Executive Committee and Representative Council resigned in 2021, the University has continued to offer the usual administrative support to student organizations under the previous CUSU framework, thus inter-alia enabling office-bearers of the Student Press and Campus Radio to maintain operations throughout the terms of their appointment which expired on 28 February 2022.

CUHK’s position remains that it will not recognise any group or individuals aspiring to become CUSU office-bearers unless they successfully apply for and obtain independent registration of the CUSU under the Companies or Societies Ordinance, and this must take place under an approved constitution.

On 25 November 2021, I issued a message and a list of frequently asked questions on how student clubs and societies could affiliate with the University via the Office of Student Affairs or a relevant Faculty/Department.

CUHK has been committed to supporting clubs and societies which have affiliated with us under this model, and we welcome application from more clubs and societies which aspire to serve the students. We are and will remain open to constructive and collaborative dialogue with students, including exploring options for the establishment of a new student organization that is both legal and representative of the entire student body.

Professor Raymond Chan
University Dean of Students