
23 Jan 2022

CUHK statement on the inclusion of United College student canteen in compulsory testing

23 Jan 2022

The Government announced this morning (23 January) that in response to some preliminary positive local and imported COVID-19 cases, 95 locations will be subject to mandatory testing for COVID-19 – one of these locations included CUHK’s United College student canteen.

To protect the safety of the campus community, the canteen was closed on 20 January for deep cleaning and disinfection.

The University reminds all staff and students who visited United College student canteen during the specified period (17:30-18:00 on 17 January 2022 ) to undergo compulsory testing for COVID-19. For details, please refer to the compulsory testing notice and CHP’s website. For more information about the University’s prevention measures, please visit our FAQ page.