News Centre

28 Mar 2011

Kick-off Ceremony and Discussion Forum for CUHK Faculty of Engineering 20th Anniversary

28 Mar 2011

From left: Dr. C.K. Wong, Chairman of Advisory Board, Faculty of Engineering, CUHK; Mrs. Regina Ip, Chairperson, Savantas Policy Institute; Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, Provost, CUHK; Mr. Andrew Lai, Deputy Commissioner for Innovation and Technology of the HKSAR Government; Prof. C.P. Wong, Dean of Engineering, CUHK; Dr. the Hon Samson W.H. Tam, Legislative Councilor (Information Technology), HKSAR; and Mr. Rocky Cheng, Vice President, Hong Kong Information Technology Joint Council officiate at the Kick-off Ceremony for CUHK Faculty of Engineering 20th Anniversary

From left: Dr. C.K. Wong, Mrs. Regina Ip, Prof. C.P. Wong, Dr. the Hon Samson W.H. Tam, and Mr. Rocky Cheng at the ‘20-year Vision for Technology Education in Hong Kong’ Discussion Forum

Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, Provost, CUHK

Prof. C.P. Wong, Dean of Engineering, CUHK

Mr. Andrew Lai, Deputy Commissioner for Innovation and Technology of the HKSAR Government

Prof. Sir Charles K. Kao, former Vice-Chancellor, established the Faculty of Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in 1991. To celebrate its 20th anniversary, the Faculty held today (28 March) the Kick-off Ceremony cum Discussion Forum. Mr. Andrew Lai, Deputy Commissioner for Innovation and Technology of the HKSAR Government; Mrs. Regina Ip, Chairperson, Savantas Policy Institute; Dr. the Hon Samson W.H. Tam, Legislative Councilor (Information Technology), HKSAR; Dr. C.K. Wong, Chairman of Advisory Board, Faculty of Engineering, CUHK; and Mr. Rocky Cheng, Vice President, Hong Kong Information Technology Joint Council officiated at the ceremony together with Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, Provost, and Prof. C.P. Wong, Dean of Engineering, CUHK.

Prof. C.P. Wong said, ‘Over the past 20 years, the Faculty has been striving for excellence and has become the territory’s top engineering school earning remarkable reputation in both education and research. The Faculty takes pride in its 110 teaching and research staff who are all outstanding experts in engineering, some of whom world-renowned figures, including 28 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Fellows. Our graduates have been making important contributions to the industry and academia. Many of them have garnered various awards and scholarships. As the chairman of the Faculty, I am proud of our profound accomplishments thanks to the joint effort of all members over the years. May I express my sincere gratitude especially to Prof. Charles Kao, Prof. George Fan, Prof. Omar Wing, Prof. P. C. Ching and Prof. Peter Yum for their wholehearted commitment and leadership.’

Following the ceremony, the guests joined a discussion forum titled ‘20-year Vision for Technology Education in Hong Kong’ to share their valuable insights for and experiences in technology and education. Despite being the regional internet hub, Hong Kong has allocated considerably fewer resources to innovation and technology development than its neighboring regions. That is to a certain extent detrimental to the grooming of talents and the competitiveness of Hong Kong. The discussion forum aims to share ideas on advancing science and technology education in Hong Kong and developing the innovation and technology industries into one of the economic pillars in the territory, bringing the Faculty to yet another bright 20 years.

The Faculty will stage a series of activities to share the joy with all teachers, students, alumni and friends, including The 7th Annual Concert in celebration of the Faculty’s 20th anniversary, the 20th Anniversary of Dean Cup Football Match, IT Fair and Achievement Exhibition, Alumni Homecoming Day and Fun Run.


From left: Dr. C.K. Wong, Chairman of Advisory Board, Faculty of Engineering, CUHK; Mrs. Regina Ip, Chairperson, Savantas Policy Institute; Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, Provost, CUHK; Mr. Andrew Lai, Deputy Commissioner for Innovation and Technology of the HKSAR Government; Prof. C.P. Wong, Dean of Engineering, CUHK; Dr. the Hon Samson W.H. Tam, Legislative Councilor (Information Technology), HKSAR; and Mr. Rocky Cheng, Vice President, Hong Kong Information Technology Joint Council officiate at the Kick-off Ceremony for CUHK Faculty of Engineering 20th Anniversary

From left: Dr. C.K. Wong, Chairman of Advisory Board, Faculty of Engineering, CUHK; Mrs. Regina Ip, Chairperson, Savantas Policy Institute; Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, Provost, CUHK; Mr. Andrew Lai, Deputy Commissioner for Innovation and Technology of the HKSAR Government; Prof. C.P. Wong, Dean of Engineering, CUHK; Dr. the Hon Samson W.H. Tam, Legislative Councilor (Information Technology), HKSAR; and Mr. Rocky Cheng, Vice President, Hong Kong Information Technology Joint Council officiate at the Kick-off Ceremony for CUHK Faculty of Engineering 20th Anniversary


From left: Dr. C.K. Wong, Mrs. Regina Ip, Prof. C.P. Wong, Dr. the Hon Samson W.H. Tam, and Mr. Rocky Cheng at the ‘20-year Vision for Technology Education in Hong Kong’ Discussion Forum

From left: Dr. C.K. Wong, Mrs. Regina Ip, Prof. C.P. Wong, Dr. the Hon Samson W.H. Tam, and Mr. Rocky Cheng at the ‘20-year Vision for Technology Education in Hong Kong’ Discussion Forum


Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, Provost, CUHK

Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, Provost, CUHK


Prof. C.P. Wong, Dean of Engineering, CUHK

Prof. C.P. Wong, Dean of Engineering, CUHK


Mr. Andrew Lai, Deputy Commissioner for Innovation and Technology of the HKSAR Government

Mr. Andrew Lai, Deputy Commissioner for Innovation and Technology of the HKSAR Government


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