
Communication Seminar Series – Living in Unpopulated Spaces: Human Futures in Artificial Intelligence Presents


Communication Seminar Series - Living in Unpopulated Spaces: Human Futures in Artificial Intelligence Presents


12 Nov 2018


3:00pm – 4:30pm


Room 313, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK


Dr. Nishant Shah, Vice-President for Research at ArtEZ University of the Arts, The Netherlands and Professor at Leuphana University, Germany

Enquiries: / Tel: 39438709 (Dr. Daisy Cheng)

Synopsis of Lecture:

With the prediction of ubiquitous Artificial Intelligence (AI) that informs our models of smart living and infrastructure, we are quickly entering a future of human-AI cohabitation. While the metaphors like Internet of (Every)Things and Cloud based computing present these technologies as virtual, they have a dramatic effect on how human cities are going to be structured, designed, and governed through new protocols and logics of digital computation. This talk maps three critical transitions in how we understand the future of cities by drawing upon the history of computing, the logic of hardware networking, and the protocols of information circulation that challenge the basic premises of human rights and social justice in the contemporary age.