Flipped Classroom Workshop Series 6 -‘Flipping the classroom’: Strategies for success in ensuring student engagement and learning
25 Apr 2019
10:30 – 12:15
UG06, Sino Building, CUHK
– Professor Carmel McNaught
Carmel McNaught is Emeritus Professor of Learning Enhancement and former Director of the Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is also Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa, and an Adjunct Professor at Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand. Since the early 1970s, Carmel has worked in higher education in Australasia, southern Africa and the UK in the fields of chemistry, science education, second-language learning, equity in education, eLearning, and higher-education curriculum and policy matters. She is currently a consultant, working mostly in Africa, Australia, Hong Kong and other countries in Asia, New Zealand, the UAE and the UK.
– Professor David M. Kennedy
David M. Kennedy is a Visiting Professor at the University of Johannesburg, and a Principal Fellow (PFHEA) of AdvanceHE (formerly the Higher Education Academy (HEA), UK). His most recent full-time roles include Executive Dean: Teaching and Learning at the Higher Colleges of Technology in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Professor and Deputy Dean: Teaching and Learning at James Cook University (Singapore and Australia), and Associate Professor and Director of Teaching and Learning, Lingnan University (Hong Kong). His wide expertise ranges across professional development in teaching and learning (T&L); programme and course design (particularly assessment) and accreditation; eLearning; mLearning; and institutional systems for eTextbooks. His experience also includes consultancies and academic reviews undertaken in 20 countries.
Please register at below links on or before 24 April 2019 (Wed). Kindly note that registration will be closed once available places are filled.
For CUHK Participants:
For Non-CUHK Participants: / 3943 3532
While the ‘flipped classroom’ is often described as a new way of teaching, this is not really true. There is a well-established body of research about the need for students to take responsibility for their own learning and to be actively engaged in exploring material. These principles of autonomous and active learning underpin all design strategies associated with the flipped classroom. Successful ‘flipping’ requires understanding how both teachers and students see their respective roles in the learning process. Open and frank discussion about roles and relationships is essential. In this workshop, Professor McNaught and Professor Kennedy will review several of the strategies recommended for designing a flipped classroom in this light and focus on how a more active classroom environment leads naturally to changes in assessment using examples from their time in Hong Kong working at several of the local universities.
For more information, please visit our website: