Communication Seminar Series – Lying online: Examining the dynamics of deception production, deception detection, and popular beliefs about deception in technologically-mediated environments
28 Mar 2018
Room 313, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK
Catalina L. Toma
Prof. Catalina L. Toma, Associate Professor of Communication Science, Department of Communication Arts, University of Wisconsin-Madison / Tel: 39437701 (Miss Mandy Chan)
Deception is a fact of everyday life, with people lying frequently to achieve relational goals, such as appearing attractive, competent, or trustworthy. As much social interaction has migrated to online environments, so have concerns about the prevalence of deception in these spaces: How much do people lie when interacting with each other online as opposed to face-to-face? Is it possible to detect online deception? If so, how? In this talk, I will review the literature on this topic, with special emphasis on research I and my collaborators have conducted on deception in online dating profiles and people’s beliefs about the prevalence of deception across social media environments. I will pay special attention to the features and affordances of online environments (e.g. recordability, editability) that either constrain or promote deceptiveness.