
School of Journalism and Communication 50th Anniversary Seminar Series:Public Talk by Prof. Deanna Sellnow and Prof. Timothy L. Sellnow


8 Jun 2015


10:00am – 12:00pm


NAH313 (C-Centre)


Prof. Deanna Sellnow (Gifford Blyton Endowed Professor of Communication and Assistant Provost for Transformative Learning at the University of Kentucky) and Prof. Timothy L. Sellnow (Professor of Information Communication Technology and Communication at the University of Kentucky)

Biography of Speaker:

Dr. Deanna Sellnow is the Gifford Blyton Endowed Professor of Communication and Assistant Provost for Transformative Learning at the University of Kentucky. Her research focuses on instructional communication in multiple contexts, particularly risk and crisis communication. Her work with instructional messages in risk and crisis contexts is widely published in interdisciplinary and international journals. She has completed funded research on instructional risk message design for such agencies as the United States Geological Survey, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. She is the author and co-author of six books focusing on instructional communication. Two recent titles are The Rhetorical Power of Popular Culture: Considering Mediated Texts and The Challenge of Effective Speaking in a Digital Age.

Dr. Timothy L. Sellnow is Professor of Information Communication Technology, and Communication at the University of Kentucky. Dr. Sellnow’s research focuses on bioterrorism, pre-crisis planning, and communication strategies for risk management and mitigation in organizational and health settings. He has conducted funded research for the Department of Homeland Security, the United States Department of Agriculture, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the United States Geological Survey. He has also served in an advisory role for the National Academy of Sciences and the World Health Organization. He has published numerous refereed journal articles on risk and crisis communication and has co-authored five books on risk and crisis communication. Dr. Sellnow’s most recent book is entitled Theorizing Crisis Communication.

Ms. Mandy Chan

Event Details:

Prof. Deanna Sellnow and Prof. Timothy L. Sellnow will give a public talk on the topic of Best Practices in Instructional Risk Communication: The IDEA Model for Effective Message Design on 8 June 2015.

Synopsis of Lecture:

This research presentation is based on the growing body of literature examining instructional communication in risk and crisis contexts. Specifically, the professors describe the IDEA learning cycle model and the research on which it is based. The IDEA model provides an efficient template for developing effective instructional risk messages during the acute phase of crises or high-risk situations ranging from natural disasters to product recalls. The speakers summarize findings from several studies that confirm the utility of the IDEA model for designing effective instructional risk messages that ultimately help save lives and for extending instructional communication research into such contexts.