Dynamic Assessment for Young Children – Theory and Application Seminar and Workshop
7 Dec 2014 - 11 Dec 2014
Yasumoto International. Academic Park, Chung Chi College, CUHK
Professor David Tzuriel
Professor David Tzuriel is a clinical and educational psychologist who has much expertise and experience on dynamic assessment of learning potential. He has received his BA (Psychology and Education) and MA (Clinical Psychology) degrees at Bar Ilan University. His doctoral studies were with Peabody College of Vanderbilt University (Nashville, Tenn.) in 1977 in Clinical Psychology. Part of his clinical practice was undertaken at the Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute (EPPI) in 1976. Prof. Tzuriel is currently a Full Professor at Bar Ilan University. He was the Chairman of the School of Education at Bar Ilan University (2003-2007). He served as Editor -in Chief of the Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology (2006-2011). He also holds affiliations with International Association for cognitive Education and Psychology (IACEP) being President-elect from 1997-1999 and President from 1999-2001. Professor Tzuriel hold both a teaching and research role at the university with particular research interests in Dynamic Assessment for Learning Potential; Cognitive Education Programs – Development of Thinking Skills and Peer-Mediation for Young Children: Effects on Mediation Teaching Style and Cognitive Modifiability…just to name a few. Professor Tzuriel has published extensively in peer reviewed journals with over 30 articles on cognitive modifiability; presented at international conferences over 100 times and run over 190 workshops on Dynamic Assessment internationally for over 30 years. He has published 4 books on dynamic assessment, including: Haywood, H.C. & Tzuriel, D. (Eds.) (1992). Interactive Assessment. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Tzuriel, D & Klein, P.S. Frame Test of Cognitive Modifiability. Bar Ilan University, school of education Tzuriel, D. (Ed.) (1999c) Mediated Learning Experience: Theory, research and applications. Haifa: Ach Press, Oranim College, and the International Centre for Enhancement of Learning Potential (in Hebrew). Tzuriel, D. (2001) Dynamic assessment of young children. New York: Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers.
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Secretariat: Ms. Rina To
Tel:3943 9609
Fax:3942 0969
For the details of the seminar and workshop, please kindly refer to our website: