News Centre

12 Jun 2024

CUHK congratulates the selection of a Hong Kong payload specialist for the National Manned Space Programme

12 Jun 2024

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is pleased and encouraged by the selection of a Hong Kong payload specialist for China’s fourth batch of preparatory astronauts, underlining Hong Kong’s excellent achievements in scientific research. CUHK is grateful for the support of our country to Hong Kong’s researchers.

Professor Sham Mai-har, CUHK’s Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research), expresses her heartfelt congratulations and says, “I extend my sincere congratulations to the Hong Kong payload specialist who has been given a valuable opportunity to undertake research and development tasks in space. This illustrates the recognition of and importance attached to Hong Kong’s scientific and technological community. We feel extremely proud of the fruitful outcomes of the national space programme, and being able to participate in it is a great honour for Hong Kong. Outstanding researchers from Hong Kong breaking through boundaries to embark on space missions is highly inspiring for our scientists and students, demonstrating that dreams can be realised through unwavering dedication. I wish the Hong Kong payload specialist a successful and fruitful journey in this historically significant space mission, and a safe return.”

Professor Sham adds, “CUHK will continue to fulfill its mission to cultivate outstanding scientific research talents, leverage its strengths and resources to provide excellent education and a world-class research environment. We will actively foster Hong Kong’s development into an international innovation and technology hub, integrating into the national development.”

CUHK is committed to participating in and promoting aerospace research and education. In 2024, CUHK and CUHK (Shenzhen) will launch the new Aerospace Science and Earth Informatics + X (ASEI + X) double major programme. CUHK’s soybean research project was taken to space by Tianzhou-6 spacecraft in May 2023, being the first Hong Kong agricultural research project conducted in space. In addition, the CUHK Institute of Space and Earth Information Science reached an important cooperation consensus with the China National Space Administration in November 2023, with plans to independently develop and launch CUHK’s first satellite.