
CUHK Arts "Intertextuality and the Writing of Hans Christian Andersen: Using BERTopic to create an intertextual network" by Prof. Tim Tangherlini


7 May 2024


10:00am – 11:30am


Online via Zoom


Professor Tim Tangherlini

Biography of Speaker:

Professor Tim Tangherlini
Professor, Department of Scandinavian, UC Berkeley

Professor Tangherliniresearch focuses on folklore, and aspects of informal culture in Scandinavia, with a primary focus on Denmark. He has developed various computational methods for the study of topic change and geographic distribution in large folklore corpora, as well as for understanding aspects of literary movements and individual authorships.

Event Details:

The webinar will:
– Deploy AI techniques to understand literary style and intertextual relationships between works within an oeuvre.
– Specifically, explore the intertextual relationship between Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tales and his much lesser-known corpus of travel writing
– Describe the creation of multiple BERTopic models that can be used to explore both his fairy tales and his travel writing, separately and together as a single corpus.
– Use these models to explore questions of intertextuality both within and across his fairy tales and travel writing to test current theories among literary scholars